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老式风格的家具更有味道。Make vintage furnishings part of your style.

不同家具混搭的起居室。Detail of living room with eclectic furnishings.

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北京家美迪克浴室设备有限公司。Beijing Gama-Decor Bathroom Furnishings Co. , Ltd.

我感到惊讶的是家具非常破旧。I was struck by the shabbiness of the furnishings.

她对那个房间的摆设儿很感兴趣。She was interested in the furnishings of that room.

那房间没有家具的话,显得了无生机。The room looked very uninviting with on furnishings.

新的油漆和家具设备使旧屋面貌一新。New paint and furnishings transfigured the old house.

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这些家具使这个房间具有一种优雅的气氛。The furnishings imparted an air of elegance to the room.

“宜室家居线上”,网上浏览店里购物。"e-home furnishings website ", Browse here, Buy at the store.

了解化学在住房和家庭设品方面起什么作用?What role does chemistry play in housing and home furnishings?

确定安置和适合于室内的家具和细木家具。Determine placement and fit for room furnishings and cabinetry.

系上与其他装饰相配的布质蝴蝶结。Tie it with fabric bows that co-ordinate with other furnishings.

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内设书屋、客厅、卧室,陈设竹器家具。Equipped halls, living room, bedroom, furnishings bamboo furniture.

最终,它被买给了私人买家,里面所有的家具装饰都被拍卖一空。It was sold to a private owner and all the furnishings auctioned off.

上杭福龙诚家居制品有限公司成立于2009年。Shanghang Fulongcheng Home Furnishings Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2009.

爱护公物,请勿损坏乘座舱内的设施。Take care of public facilities. Do not damage furnishings in the cabin.

你知道有多大的规模,家庭装饰业,在美国?Do you know how large is the size of home furnishings industry in the US?

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忠爱粉色,卧室墙壁,摆设都被我统一色系。Zhong-loving pink, bedroom walls, furnishings have been my uniform color.

Etsy是一个在线的集市,针对手工制作的时尚物品、玩具和家具。Etsy is the online bazaar for handmade fashion, toys and home furnishings.

一些狗狗的装饰陈设是由丹尼斯与弗朗西斯雕刻的。Some of the dog's decorative furnishings are carvings by Dennis & Frances.