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沿着这条植被带海拔上升舒缓。Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual.

这是我们进行截面调查的第二天,是这个小组的第三天。Second day of transect for us and third for the team.

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医生分离到了胸腔上部,他要分离血管了。Now he is down to the upper chest and he transect the vessels.

这是有关截距抽样估测面积的讨论。It is for a discussion of area determination by transect sampling.

我们要在窦管脊上横切大动脉。We're gonna transect the great arteries at the sino-tubular ridge.

高速公路平、纵、横设计技术标准相当高,路堑边坡是其最为普遍的内容之一。The design standard of motorway is very high, especially in plane, vertical and transect face.

在一个特定区域中划分出的一条样带,用以研究物种组成的变化情况。Transect A line or belt designed to study changes in species composition across a particular area.

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尽管这是我第一次在截面区进行调查,也是我们在这里的第一次截面区调查,但今天已经是这个小组在这里的第二天了。Although this was my first transect ever, and our first transect here, it was the team’s second day.

传统的高速公路横断面设计中,各种边坡形式都由简单的直坡段组成。The side slope shape is always made up of simple linear slopes in traditional highway transect design.

这一渐变群是沿着萨克拉曼多谷地到西瓦内华达山脊的植被带存在的。This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

辨认每一棵红树,并且量度它们的在样线上的位置,高度,树冠长度,树冠阔度。For each mangrove, identify and measure its position along the transect line, height, crown length, crown width.

森林生态样带是研究人类活动对植被影响的好手段。Forest ecological transect is an advanced way to study the relationship between vegetation and human activities.

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结合线路调查、样方调查和样带调查法,分析研究了珠海市水松林的分布现状和发展趋势。Its growth status and distributions in Zhuhai City were studied by route survey and plot and line transect sampling.

探讨了截线抽样法用于浅水型淡水湖泊调查的可行性和有效性以及要注意的问题。Feasibility, validity and other problems of line transect survey method in shallow fresh water lake were also discussed.

样条的坡度是缓和的,并且样条的高低两端相隔50英里以上。The slope of the transect was gentle, and the high-and low-elevation ends of the transect were separated by more than 50 miles.

本文讨论的是关于三次样条插值在农业树木生长的运用与研究。What this article discusses is about three transect interpolations in the agriculture arboreal growth utilization and the research.

样条取样技术在植物生态学或植被组成的变化研究反面应用广泛。The transect sampling technique is most often used in plant ecology to study changes in the composition of vegetation. See also quadrat.

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介绍了在闹市区对多种小断面桩井采用控制爆破技术进行开挖的工程事例。An engineering example of the excavation by controlled blasting for various small transect pile- wells in downtown districts is introduced.

主要探讨了道路工程中的纵横断面和地形一体化测量的可行性及几种作业方法的比较。This article mainly discusses the feasibility of integrative surveying which combine the vertical section and transect with topographic survey.

从河口到海洋带状纵向调查,综合温度和盐度指数以便对淡水层进行研究。A transect from the river mouths towards the sea shall be conducted, taking temperature and salinity measurements to define the freshwater layer.