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它是极有用的。It is of the greatest usefulness.

这也是质数非常有用的关键。This is also the key to their usefulness.

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在此,我要强调一下重复的重要性。I would stress the usefulness of repetition.

人类很早以前就知道了武器的用处。Man early learned the usefulness of weapons.

趣味,本身的实用性可是十足呢!Interesting, but their full usefulness of it!

编制工作底稿并解释其用途。Prepare a worksheet and explain its usefulness.

可以化无用为有用。Well, uselessness can be turned into usefulness.

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这对学习语言等显然是非常有用的。For language learning, say, the usefulness is obvious.

破碎自己才能让上帝最大的使用我们。Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness.

朴素,雅致,功能是我们的信条。Simplicity, tastefulness, and usefulness are our tenet.

毕竟,杯子之用就在于其空无。After all, the usefulness of a cup is in it's emptiness.

但是他对该研究的用处表示怀疑。But he was doubtful about the usefulness of the research.

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液基细胞学制备尿液标本的作用。Usefulness of liquid-based preparation in urine cytology.

毕竟,杯子之用就在于其空无。After all, the usefulness of the cup is in it's emptiness.

使用价值的两重性指的是有用性和稀少性。The duality of use value refers to its usefulness and rarity.

心脏科医生对这种检测方法的有用性存在争议。Cardiologists are divided over the usefulness of that approach.

一些分析人士认为,这可能会限制该检测方法的有效性。That could limit usefulness of the test, some analysts have said.

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当我开始在室外跑步时,健身房的功效就减半了。When I started running outside I halved the usefulness of the gym.

大自然不会以美丑、用处以及重要性来给动物分等级。Nature admits of no hierarchy of beauty or usefulness or importance.

人工智能的失败在于,开发出了效用,却牺牲了控制论。It was the failure of AI to produce usefulness that did cybernetics in.