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它是一种方言吗?Is it a dialect?

即闽南方言艺术。Minnan dialect that is art.

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“新加坡英语”像一种方言。Singlish is like a dialect.

而天津话是不断变化的。Tianjin dialect is changing.

在这里听不到福州方言。Fuzhou dialect cannot be heard.

是西日耳曼语的一支。English is a West Germanic dialect.

我现在还能讲当地方讠呢!I can still speak the local dialect.

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这部小说是以北方方言写成的。The novel was written in northern dialect.

你用潮汕话交流多少年了?How many years do you use Chaoshan dialect?

第二章,垣曲方言语音系统。Chapter two, Yuanqu dialect phonetic system.

他说四川话时有口音。He speaks the Sichuan dialect with an accent.

第三章,临颍方言中的古语词。Chapter III, Linying dialect of ancient words.

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但是陈夏勇听不懂这里的方言。But Chen couldn't understand the local dialect.

第一章,临颍方言的词汇特点。Chapter I, Linying dialect vocabulary features.

黔剧唱腔是用贵州方言演唱的。Guizhou opera arias are sung in Guizhou dialect.

狭义的仅指方言剧情片。Dialect refers only to the narrow sense of drama.

为了降低成本,采用FR4作为基片材料。FR4 is used for dialect substrate for cost reason.

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除了广州话,我还能说上海话。I can speak Shanghai dialect other than Cantonese.

除了广东话,我还能讲上海话。I can speak Shanghai dialect other than Cantoness.

本文是商河方言调查报告。The present thesis is a survey of Shanghe dialect.