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看起来我可以给你的监视任务弄辆轿车。Looks like I can hook you up with a sedan for your stakeout.

异常监视与处理保证了程序的健壮性。Abnomity stakeout and handling ensured the haleness of program.

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在监视行动中,一名警官把一个用枪指着他的人杀害了。A police sergeant kills a man who pulls a gun on him during a stakeout.

手术时,必须由优良的监视设备,以保证手术的安全和成功。When operating, the excellent stakeout equipments must be used to ensure.

这次事件发生在一次警方对两名持枪抢劫嫌疑人的监视期间,该两名嫌疑人皆被击毙。It happened during a police stakeout of two armed robbery suspects who were both killed.

普卢克斯警官说-一个全天候的监视在街对面的房子里建立起来了。Sergeant Proulx had said-and a full-time stakeout had been established in a house across the street.

据“洗手警察”的最新“监测”结果,男女在讲卫生方面的性别差距扩大。The gender gap has widened when it comes to hygiene, according tothe latest stakeout by the "hand washing police."

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根据最新的“洗手警察”的监视调查,当涉及到卫生问题时,性别差异会更加的大。According to the latest stakeout by the "hand washing police", the gender gap has widened when it comes to hygiene.

从而解决了系统通信软件的编制,实现多方位监视。The design will solves the establishment of the systematic communication software and achieve the stakeout of many position.

他们可以清晰地看到整个繁华的集市,甚至看到Lorian和他的金队队员正在建立监视点,等着杜库来袭击。They could clearly see the bustling market and the fact that Lorian and the Gold Team members had set up several stakeout areas.

本文对LOM快速成型机的智能防火系统做了有益的探索,对于提高LOM快速成型加工的安全性具有重要的实用价值。The article is a probe for the intelligent stakeout system of LOM RPM. The system has practical value in improving the safety of RPM machine.

本篇也从仪器设备的更新换代方面,对放样方法的变化也给予了陈述,从传统的经纬仪到全站仪再到GPS放样。This from the upgrading of the equipment, change the lofting method has also given the statement from the traditional theodolite total station to the GPS stakeout.

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本文以某法院楼宇设备监控系统为例介绍集成方案设计,旨在给同行提供一些信息和帮助。This paper introduces the project design of building equipment stakeout and control system integration used in a court in order to provide some informations and assistances.

因此建立一个全方位、多层次、立体化及高效率的巡更管理系统己成为物业管理的一项重要内容。Therefore, it is an important task to set up the management information system of stakeout in the management of real estate, which is all-directions, tier and high-efficiency.

本系统包括视频监控及防盗报警两个子系统,两个子系统采用一台多媒体管理主机进行控制。This system includes the video stakeout and guards against theft alarming two sub-systems, two sub-systems controlled by a set of multimedia computer as a management server to control.

利用实验所获取的数据,文章运用一套较严密的方法估算了此工程中RTK放样点间边长及水平角的精度。Using the data from an experiment, it has computed the precision about distance and horizontal angle between RTK stakeout points in the project by exerting stricter means in this paper.

这一空中监控是针对一个叫何塞*帕迪拉,又名阿卜杜拉*阿勒*穆哈季尔的人,一个布鲁克林出生的街头流氓,调查人员认定他是潜在的基地组织恐怖分子。This airborne stakeout was directed at one Jose Padilla, otherwise known as Abdullah al-Muhajir, a Brooklyn-born street thug now identified by investigators as a would-be Qaeda terrorist.

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这一空中监控是针对一个叫何塞·帕迪拉,又名阿卜杜拉·阿勒·穆哈季尔的人,一个布鲁克林出生的街头流氓,调查人员认定他是潜在的基地组织的恐怖分子。This airborne stakeout was directed at one Jose Padilla, otherwise known as Abdullah al-Muhajir, a Brooklyn-born street thug now identified by investigators as a would-be Qaeda terrorist.

快速求取N-1网络下各节点电压和各节点电压对任一节点系统运行参数的灵敏度对于N-1网络下的实时电压稳定监视和分析具有重要意义。Fast calculating node voltage and sensitivity of node voltage to any system operating parameter is very important to the real time stakeout and analysis of voltage stabilization in a N-1 system.