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座吊桥垮下来了!One drawbridge down!

吊桥有多安全?How safe is a drawbridge?

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吊桥是什么样子的?What Is a Drawbridge Like?

吊桥的可移动部分。The movable part of a drawbridge.

吊桥一倒,便是你大展宏图之时。Once the drawbridge is down, what happens next is up to you.

过吊桥的时候请大家用手抓紧绳缆。Please keep a firm grasp on the cable when crossing the drawbridge.

詹姆正打算命令肯洛斯爵士奏响赫洛克之号,吊桥就开始慢慢放下。Jaime was about to command Ser Kennos to sound the Horn of Herrock when the drawbridge began to descend.

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望楼,碉楼建在接近城堡或城镇处的塔楼或其他防御工事,尤指建于大门或吊桥附近者。A tower or other fortification on the approach to a castle or town, especially one at a gate or drawbridge.

城堡被护城河环绕,只有通过吊桥才能进入。帕尔米拉城完好无损的保存下来。The castle was surrounded by a moat, with access only available through a drawbridge The city of Palmyra was kept intact.

安装一座电子吊桥,只在完成生物测量扫描和全套DNA比对之后才会放下。Install an electronic drawbridge designed to lower only after it has performed a biometric scan and made a full set of DNA comparisons.

一个民族国家会像两周前的埃及一样通过调整其边界网关协议切断其数字桥梁以隔离互联网。A nation state could pull up the digital drawbridge by adjusting its BGP to disconnect from the internet, just as Egypt did two weeks ago.

穿越吊桥后,有步道沿油罗溪畔通往攀龙吊桥及北角吊桥,沿途林荫葱郁是登山健行的最佳路线。After crossing the bridge, Luo River Trail along to reach Dragon suspension bridge drawbridge and North point, along the tree-lined lush is the best route for mountain hiking.

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IT旧的安全模型是在企业网络周围建立一刻巨大的微尘,只让受信任的、已授权的员工穿越守卫严密的吊桥墙进入众所周知的城堡。The old security model was for IT to build a big mote around the corporate network and only let trusted, authorized employees come across the well-guarded drawbridge and into the proverbial castle.