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这是一个密封的单位,在该基地轧花。It is a sealed unit, crimped at the base.

钢带应使用卷曲钢密封以确保安全。Straps to be secured with crimped steel seals.

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低物价阻碍了国内出口和国外进口。Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports.

有些细胞边缘卷曲及细胞膜破裂出现不规则小孔。Some cells brim crimped and some cell's membrane appeared pinholes.

取代直发,这种波波头很适合波浪状或者卷曲的头发。Instead of straight locks, this bob works well with wavy or crimped hair.

在机床上,阀座密封环逐渐起波纹,并将O形环束缚在里面。Seat ring is progressively crimped on a lathe to imprison the O-ring in it.

公司在资本市场上融得现金的能力已经减弱了。The ability of companies to raise cash via the capital markets has already been crimped.

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在给定丝束卷曲能的条件下,维持工艺所需最低的对辊压力至关重要。It was very important to keep the lowest roller pressure under a given tow crimped energy.

五综编织网、磨料网、轧花网、合金网等等,各具特色。Five Heddle Weave Wire Cloth, Crimped Wire Mesh, Alloy and so on, each has its own characteristics.

截面为圆形或椭园形的单股金属线用高延展性的钢材制成,其上缠有或焊有铁刺。Single-strand wire , round or oval , is made from high-tensile steel with the barbs crimped or welded on.

在经历去年因全美经济衰退导致出行需求减弱后,今年酒店业已经显示出复苏的迹象。The lodging industry has shown signs of recovery after the U.S. recession crimped travel demand last year.

租金定价制度产生了适得其反的效果,显著阻碍了公寓供应,并导致了漫长的等候名单。A counterproductive rent-control regime has crimped the supply of flats in particular, and led to long waiting lists.

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我厂生产的轧花网机可自动完成从轧丝到织网成型一系列工序。Our crimped wire mesh machine may complete a series of working procedures from mesh rolling to weaving automatically.

算不上美丽,平常的眉眼,从最初的稚气的蘑菇头到现在的长卷发。Cannot include beautiful , ordinary eye and brow, from the initial childishness mushroom head to long crimped hair now.

因此,除非外资银行能够吸收到大量人民币存款,否则在宽限期结束后,它们的雄心可能会受到限制。So unless banks are able to attract sizeable local currency deposits, ambitions could be crimped when that waiver ends.

不防水的容器,他们说,包括那些扭紧的密封盖、齐按盖、推盖和折盖的。Food containers that are not waterproof, they say, include those with screw caps, snap lids, pull tops and crimped caps.

黑色人种的头发是黑褐色或黑色的羊毛卷发以及小螺旋形发,头发是短粗而卷缩的。The black race hair is black brown or black wool crimped hair and small volution make, hair is rude shortly but crispatura's.

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新式阀座密封环,包括O形环内的波纹可以轻松的放置到原有的位置,通过对固定环进行点焊来确保安全紧固。A new seat ring, including a crimped in O-ring can easily be put back into place and secured there by tack welding the retainers.

然后是日本的地震、台风,还有影响供应美国汽车组装工厂配件的核灾难。Then it was Japan’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster which crimped the supply of parts to car assembly plants in America.

介绍了用纽马格公司双组分复合生产线生产的涤纶并列型三维卷曲中空纤维的生产技术。The technology for side by side 3 dimensional crimped hollow PET fiber produced by Neumag bi component production line was introduced.