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叠加杂项费用叫做“覆盖”。Heaping on charges is called "shrouding."

他不赞成对年轻的艺术家大加赞扬。He disapproves of heaping praise on young artists.

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惠特洛克心里默默地诅咒格雷厄姆,因为他让自己备受猜疑。Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.

他们在自己臣民的手脚上套上更多的锁链。They are heaping chain on chain around the limbs of their subjects.

用冷水或饮料加入一匙肌酸混匀饮用。Add 1 heaping teaspoonful daily to cold water or your favorite beverage.

等长且堆放成捆的原木材积由人工检尺测得,会产生很大误差。There is large error in manual measuring equal length and heaping log volume.

而且,它也没有为成堆的炸面圈和抹巧克力的牛角面包进化。Nor heaping plates of doughnuts and chocolate-coveredcroissants, for that matter.

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那是大卫,弯下玫瑰,一心一意的为每一株植物护根。There was Dave, bending over the roses, carefully heaping mulch around every plant.

辅强结构,保证仓库笼堆高时稳定可靠。Auxiliary strengthened structure assures the stability of wire container when heaping.

如果我们见了好东西就拿,不去刨根问底,我们的东西就会堆积如山。If we will take the good we find, asking no questions, we shall have heaping measures.

饮用时,在杯子里放入满满两汤匙混合粉,倒入沸水搅拌后即可。To serve, pour boiling water into a mug filled with 2 heaping tablespoons of the mixture, and stir.

只是简单的为你那堆积得高高的盘子拍张照,也许就会让你打消再吃块奶酪或油煎面包块的念头。A simple snapshot of your heaping dish may show your extra helping of cheese or deep-fried croutons.

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无论保守派或极端民主派的资产者都竞相诽谤他,诅咒他。Bourgeois, whether Conservative or ultra-democratic, vied with one another in heaping slanders upon him.

资产者??无论保守派或极端民主派,都竞相诽谤他,诅咒他。Bourgeois, whether conservative or ultra-democratic, vied with one another in heaping slanders upon him.

此茶经杀青、初揉、渥堆、复揉、干燥等五道工序而制造成。The main procedures of Tian jian tea are de-enzyming, twisting, moisten heaping and heat energy dehydration.

资产者----无论保守派或极端民主派,都竞相诽谤他,诅咒他。Bourgeois, whether conservative or ultra-democratic, viewed with one another, had been heaping slanders upon him.

堆浸法提金由于其显著的特点而广泛应用于黄金生产企业。Heaping leaching for gold extracting is widely used in the gold enterprises because of its notable characteristics.

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灵芝瘦身排毒茶采用日本野生赤灵芝和多种植物精华而成。Creams of the plants. It mainly aims at removing the heaping up of fat and toxin as well as the straightway of lymph.

当一位来拜访的朋友倒了满满一大杯牛奶准备喝时,我差点冲动得想掐死她,因为那是我们好不容易节省下来的啊!I almost strangled a visiting friend when she poured heaping glasses of milk that we were trying so hard to conserve.

再后来,我们回到米尔德里德和西勃的住处,吃着大盘大盘的星期日大餐,有火腿、豌豆、冷凝沙拉还有大量的冰茶。We went back to Mildred and Zeb's house for a heaping Sunday dinner of ham, peas, congealed salad and lots of iced tea.