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需要点动力?Need further impetus?

儿童学习需要动力。Children need an impetus to study.

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制定这一计划的动力非常简单。The impetus for such a plan was simple.

这股力量的推动力是新的证据。The impetus comes in part from new evidence.

还有其他的自我审查的动力。There was another impetus to self-censorship.

情感冲动因素是竞技运动的灵魂。Emotional impetus is the key factor in sports.

这正是构建这样的系统的原始动力。This is the basic impetus to build such system.

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这将是对亚欧会议进程的一大推进。This will give a great impetus to the ASEM process.

爱院爱校教育是集体主义教育的有效着力点。It is an effective impetus to collectivism education.

绿党在巴西利亚的某些地方亦丧失了道德动力。It, too, lost its moral impetus somewhere in Brasilia.

目前的冲突可能会给和谈提供新的推动力。The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk.

二是要向调结构要动力。Second, we will create impetus by adjusting economic structure.

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有能力的请愿者认为永久的动力是可爱的。The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty.

对中国的时尚圈来说,这无疑于一针强心剂。It is undoubtedly a strong impetus to the Chinese fashion field.

加拿大,墨西哥和英国不会提供很多的动力。Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom won t provide much impetus.

一旦整合存在,一个行动就会创造出来。Once disconfirmation exists, an impetus to action must be created.

宜宾县蕴藏着巨大的活力和无限的商机。Yibin County has huge impetus and unlimited business opportunities.

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福彩推动了中国福利事业的发展.Welfare lottery has provided impetus to China's welfare development.

文艺评论是文艺创作发展的推动力。Literary criticism is an impetus of development of literary creation.

这使卡莱尔重新追里普利,他的爱情对手。This gives Carlisle a renewed impetus to nail Ripley, his love rival.