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无耻也就是可耻。Effrontery is a disgrace.

你为什么表现的如此放肆?。Why are you showing such effrontery?

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我倒要看你怎么有脸面对她。I'll see if you have the effrontery to face her.

日本是一个非常厚颜无耻的民族。Japanese is the nationality with great effrontery.

那人十足的厚颜无耻让人们吃惊得无话可说。One could only gasp at the sheer effrontery of the man.

你怎能厚着脸皮要求再贷款呢?。How can you have the effrontery to ask for another loan?

他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery.

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“你为什么表现的如此放肆?”汤姆说,“你可是我最好的朋友。”"Why are you showing such effrontery ?" Tom asked. "You're my best friend.

你撞坏了我的汽车,现在又厚着脸皮来借我的自行车!You crashed my car and now you have the effrontery to ask me for my bicycle!

这是一个可耻的骗局。他竟然有脸说这样的话。This is a despicable fraud. Just imagine that he has the effrontery to say it.

作者在此的说法,措辞有意讲明起初上帝所设立的并非完全无瑕疵的。And the writer has the effrontery to suggest that something God initiated was imperfect.

弱者由于蛮干变强,强者由于克制变弱。The weak gain strength through effrontery and the strong grow weak because of inhibitions.

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这种厚颜行为大概既高盛和鲍尔斯以后无人能敌。The effrontery of that may well supersede anything Goldman and Paulson are alleged to have done.

他有今天的成就,部分功劳是他那完全口头的厚颜无耻行为,正如他恶意诋毁美国乔治•布什总统。He has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery , as in his badmouthing of George Bush.

只有生来以自我为中心的人才会厚颜无耻、持之以恒地去写散文。Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.

“不管怎样,”他说,“你没有厚颜无耻地企图为自己开脱,这还算可以。”AT all events it is something, " he said, "thAT you have not the effrontery to ATtempt to excuse yourself.

赫耳墨斯对他这种无耻行为十分反感,不但没把金斧子赏给他,连他原有的那把斧子也没还给他。But the god, horrified at such effrontery , not only withheld the gold axe but didn't return the man's own.

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花了纳税人那么多钱到南美比赛,输了球竟然有脸笑,我鄙视她!Spent taxpayers so much money to South America game, lost the ball has the effrontery to smile, I despised her!

他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。他内心骄傲的光芒使他的眼睛大而有神。And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery. His eyes grew larger with the proud light within them.

当初业界也曾耻笑雷克萨斯和英菲尼迪不知深浅,然而有了之后的教训,相信没人敢再轻视现代的前途。Remembering how the industry once scoffed at the effrontery of Lexus and Infiniti, few are underestimating Hyundai's future.