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庸医杀人不用刀。A charlatan murders without a knife.

一个骗子,一个吹牛者,还是一个贼。A fraudster a charlatan and a thief.

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他是一个骗子并且是一个中国国民。He is a charlatan and a Chinese national.

我知道这很怪,但我觉得那样像个吹牛的人。I know it's bizarre , but I feel like a charlatan.

这个江湖骗子吹牛说他能用符咒治好各种疾病。The charlatan boasted that he could charm off any disease.

同时,大多数兰花还是厚颜无耻的吹牛者和江湖骗子。In the meantime, most orchid still is bold-faced charlatan and swindler.

记者称这些人是大师,是因为他们自己不清楚“江湖骗子”这个词怎么写。The reasonreporters call these people gurus is that they are not sure how to charlatan.

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记者称这些人是大师,是因为他们自己清楚“江湖骗子”这个词怎么写。The reason reporters call these people gurus is that they are not sure how to spell charlatan.

当冒牌研究和行为不端者在中国大行其道的时候,肖则是一个一般意义上的骗子。And while research fraud and misconduct is widespread in China, Xiao is no run-of-the-mill charlatan.

很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人现代英汉词典。It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.

我又等几分钟后,便开始告诉人们美赫巴巴是个骗子,冒牌者。I waited a few more minutes and then began telling people in the crowd that Meher Baba was a cheat, a charlatan.

有时候决策制定者得到矛盾的建议是因为一些不懂装懂的人对难题提出不合实际的简单方法。Sometimes policymakers get conflicting advice because some charlatan is offering an unrealistically easy solution to a hard problem.

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由于缺乏明确的道德准则,他从来不承认自己是一个江湖骗子以及他的计划是个彻底的失败品。Incapable of moral clarity, he could never quite admit to himself that he was a charlatan and that his scheme was an impossible fiasco.

而把这个感人的呼吁叫做欺人之谈的,却是出自懂得做风险投资、却对复杂的索马里问题所知无几的某人之口。Call this clarion call a charlatan call coming from someone who understands less about the complex Somalia problem than about making business venture.

那些立志要从表象获得真理的人,用布莱德里的话来说,常被看成是做白日梦的人、傻瓜、或者江湖骗子。The man who aspires "to know reality as against mere appearance, " to use Bradley's description, is commonly taken to be a dreamer, a dupe, or a charlatan.

洛格不愿纵容他的病人的自负,而伯蒂则一直认为他的医生是一个江湖骗子,直到某个涉及哈姆雷特独白和录音机的突破性契机。Logue won't indulge his patient's stuffiness, while Bertie considers Logue a charlatan until a breakthrough moment that involves Hamlet's soliloquy and a recording machine.

他是虚伪的传教士,我们当然不打算要支持或,同情他,但是读到这儿你禁不住要去,想,某人的大拇指被猛然关上的门夹住的场景。He's the charlatan preacher. We're certainly not meant to identify with him or to sympathize with him, but here you can't help but thinking about someone getting their thumb smashed in a door.

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他是虚伪的传教士,我们当然不打算要支持或,同情他,但是读到这儿你禁不住要去,想,某人的大拇指被猛然关上的门夹住的场景。He's the charlatan preacher. We're certainly not meant to identify with him or to sympathize with him, but here you can't help but thinking about someone getting their thumb smashed in a door.