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他非常麻利地驾驶着他那架小型飞机。He handled the small airplane with great dexterity.

小偷一定有一个高机巧是有效的。Thieves must have a high Dexterity to be effective.

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韩佳,我看你啊还是没找到巧劲儿。Han Jia, I think you still lack the knack for dexterity.

武僧是一位身手敏捷的武学大师。The monk is a skilled warrior of unparalleled dexterity.

他能够胜任任何需要心灵手巧的工作。He can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity.

克拉克本人凭借机敏和权威跨越了两个领域。Clarke himself straddled the two spheres with dexterity and authority.

类人猿和猴子脚部也有增加其灵敏性的对生拇指。Apes and monkeys also have opposable thumbs on their feet that help their dexterity.

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二者的制片质量都决定于操作者的熟练程度。The quality of the smears, both LBC and CS, depends mainly on practitioner dexterity.

你对奥法威能的伤害骰获得等同你的敏捷调整的加值。You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of arcane powers equal to your Dexterity modifier.

露丝?戴不断地低声抽泣,没人能哭得这样有技巧。Softly, but persistently, she was sobbing . None could cry with such dexterity as Ruth Day.

你们有各种各样的大小、形状、柔韧性和灵巧度。You come forth with all sorts of varieties of size and shape and flexibility and dexterity.

肢体灵活性的丧失通常被认为是酒精影响的醉酒指征。Loss of dexterity is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol-induced intoxication.

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女人特定的语言中枢使她们在语言能力和口才方面具有优势。Women's specific speech centres give them superiority in language ability and verbal dexterity.

「行动这麽灵巧又多才多艺的机器人,要怎麽做?」崔默问道。"How do you make a machine move with that kind of versatility and dexterity?" Dr. Trimmer asks.

顽童三人成天玩耍,欺哄拐骗样样精通,但生性却是善良灵巧。All three sawyer play, deceiving abducted to master everything, but naturally is kind dexterity.

正如他的步伐,他与他的手小提琴,这是著名的灵巧和肆意行为。As he paces, he fiddles with his hands, which are famous for their dexterity and wanton behavior.

直到你本回结束,将你的敏捷调整加到你的远程奥法威能的射程。Until the end of your turn, add your Dexterity modifier to the range of your ranged arcane powers.

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尽管我想制造机器人,但是我那时不够灵巧,也欠缺机械才能。I didn't quite have the dexterity or the mechanical ability to build a robot, although I wanted to.

他的侧向移动能力一次又一次打破防守的平衡,面临失误的危险。His lateral dexterity is taking guards off balance from time to time, forcing those silly turnovers.

基本如此,但是需要鼠标很灵活并且你需要全神贯注的盯着屏幕。It's a very basic concept, but it demands good mouse dexterity and a laser-like focus on the screen.