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飞机使用空速管测量飞行速度。Aircraft use pitot tubes to measure airspeed.

在空速表上可以调整的指针。An adjustable pointer on the airspeed indicator.

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飞机这个时候会开始慢慢地损失掉空速。It will slowly start running itself out of airspeed.

这个转向是一个最小半径转向,因此我会损失一些空速。It is a minimum radius turn, so I am losing airspeed.

空速游标,空速表上的可调指标。AIRSPEED BUGS, Adjustable pointers on the airspeed indicator.

侧风修正的幅度随着速度的增加而减少。Decreased the left crosswind correction as the airspeed increased.

她告诉我,现在的飞行速度约210节,或时速241英里。She tells me our indicated airspeed is about 210 knots, or 241 miles per hour.

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我通过平显来判断飞机是否到达了要开始恢复高度和速度的时候。I look at the HUD to see if I'm going to recover on altitude or airspeed limits.

该器装配有自动驾驶仪以控制高度、航速与转弯速率。The robots are equipped with autopilot to control altitude, airspeed and turn rate.

把你的副翼放下来。可以减低你的速度。找得到你的副翼拱杆吗?。Nagase Put your flaps down. That'll lower your airspeed. Can you find your flap lever?

这个动作产生的结果就是出现了巨大的负G过载,因为这个时候飞机还是保留有一定的空速的。This usually results in a large negative-g force because I have some excess airspeed left.

我把油门推入到完全加力的状态,在甚至没有压低机头的情况下就开始加速了。I throw the throttles into full AB, and I don't even have to lower my nose position to get airspeed.

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正如可以预见的,一开始飞机的头部向下倾斜,随着速度的增加,再次扬起。Initially the nose dipped as expected, but as the airspeed increased, the nose started rising again.

我盯着平显上显示的空速、高度,还有平显外距离展览中心1500英尺处的位置。I watch my HUD for airspeed and altitude and look outside for the 1,500-foot show line and show center.

在爬升至15,000英尺高度的过程中我用机首的高度代替发动机节流阀来控制飞行速度。I used nose attitude instead of modulating engine thrust to control airspeed during the climb to 15,000 feet.

进行了空速保持、高度保持、航向保持和转弯控制等控制律的详细分析。The control principle of airspeed keeping, altitude keeping, course keeping and swerve control is analyzed, too.

且该空速计具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低、工作可靠等特点。The airspeed meter has many merits, such as small volume, light weight, low power consumption and high reliability etc.

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这转动支柱人为地快速或防止它转动对它的潜能直到空速稳定。This spins the prop artificially fast or prevents it from spinning to its full potential until the airspeed stabilizes.

对于本实验反应器,通过气体进入反应器的速率-空速来表达甲烷水合速率。For the experimental reactor, methane hydration rate is shown by gas input rate into reactor which is called as airspeed.

一项最关键的指控是,该公司事先知晓飞机速度传感器存在的缺陷,但是并没有对此采取行动。A central allegation is that the company knew there were flaws in its airspeed sensors but didn't act on that information.