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这就是变形。This is transformation.

转换什么呢?Transformation of what?

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这可真是一个巨大的转变This is a big transformation.

道“即变形。Wisdom is about transformation.

这是一个逆变换。It's the inverse transformation.

企业转化是什么?What is Enterprise Transformation?

转换及知识传递。Transformation and knowledge transfer.

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农产品加工业和转型产业Agro-industry and Transformation industry

所以需要变形。And that's where transformation comes in.

一个矩阵对应一种状态变换。A matrix corresponds a state transformation.

便于数据映射和转换。Facilitates data mapping and transformation.

在读取数据是执行转换。Perform the transformation on the data read.

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如此戏剧性的转变令人毛骨悚然。The transformation is so dramatic it is eerie.

转变主要体现在注意力和意图。The transformation was in focus and intention.

“囊性肾瘤伴肉瘤转化”。Cystic nephroma with sarcomatous transformation.

接下来就是转换的第一部分。Next comes the first part of the transformation.

变换图的概念由全图推广而来。Transformation graphs come from the total graph.

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在转换中配置这个设置。This setting is configured in the transformation.

他也体现了道县生活的转型。He also embodies the transformation of Dao County.

自发的变革出现在1966年到1967年间。In 1966-1967 there was spontaneous transformation.