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一个小嫩枝。And a small twig.

握在枯枝之中。In withered twig.

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鸟飞下来停在─条细树枝上。The bird alight on a twig.

她有一个细柳条箱。She has a willow twig case.

那只鸟飞下来落在细树枝上。The bird alighted on a twig.

他扭断了一根细树枝。He twisted a twig and broke it.

他啪地一声把那根树枝折断了。He broke off the twig with a snap.

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但你女儿象个僵硬的树忮。But your girl is rigid like a twig.

一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。The snap of a twig broke the silence.

为了吓唬那只狗,他从树上折了一根小树枝。To frighten the dog, he broke a twig from the tree.

我有几个很好的小方法让你成为骨感美女。I have a few very small way for you to be skinny twig.

桂枝茯苓丸是治疗什么病的?。What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat?

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它看起来很自在,就好像是栖息在一根树枝上一样。It was quite at home, as if it were perching on a twig.

我微笑着看你玩儿那一根小小的树枝。I smile at your play with that little bit of a broken twig.

我微笑地看你在那里耍着那根折下来的小树枝儿。I smile at your play with that little bit of a broken twig.

莉莉捡起地上的一根树枝,在空中快速地旋转。Lily had picked up a fallen twig and twirled it in the air.

在霜下桦树的最轻微的枝是白色的。Under the hoarfrost the slightest twig of birches is white.

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好象是有人在我背后折断了一根小树枝。It sounded like someone just snapped a twig right behind me.

我又提示他一次,他还是不理解那答案。I gave him another clue, but he still didn't twig the answer.

一根四英寸长的“细枝”在高处嗡嗡作响,砰的一下撞上了旁边的树枝。A four-inch twig buzzes overhead and thuds onto a nearby branch.