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没有一点儿证据可以证实此事。Not a scintilla of evidence to prove it.

没有一点不利于我的证据。There isn't a scintilla of evidence against me.

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几经碰撞,直至碰出爱情火花。After many collision, till touch a love scintilla.

在这个个案里,连一丁点证据也没有。There is not a scintilla of evidence in this case.

在和别人的经验交流中也往往会有灵感的火花跳跃。Be in and often also meet in the experience communication of others inspired scintilla is bouncing.

在课题组的帮助下,初步完成了一套基于单晶转换屏与EMCCD探测器的射线成像系统。On the help of task group, we have finished a suit of radio imaging system based on single scintilla and EMCCD detector.

当白羊座野蛮女友碰上处女座贱嘴男,会发生怎样的火花与泪花呢?When Aries cruel cummer is touched on maiden a cheap mouth male, what kind of scintilla and tears in eyes can you produce?

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其实啊,只要别怕麻烦,多做一点点小工作,就可以避免铁锅生锈的麻烦啦。In fact ar -, as long as you don't fear trouble and commit scintilla sterigma job more, can avoid the trouble of iron pot rust.

当我环顾的文本编辑器的语法高亮,我遇到的火花源代码编辑的组成部分。When I was looking around for text editors with syntax highlighting, I have come across the Scintilla source code editing component.

测氡仪器从利用的探测器类型上看,最广泛被应用的是气体探测器、闪烁探测器和半导体探测器。Spot radon monitor will be sold well in the future. Gas detector, scintilla and semiconductor radon detectors are widely used by people.

不光没有给别人带来好处,甚至给发力者自己也没有带来丝毫的好处,带来的只是破坏和不安宁。Not only do they not bring to others, they do not bring even a scintilla of benefit to the perpetrator. They only bring destruction and unrest.

再加上确定回归的范迪塞尔和岩石道恩强森,三大光头猛男无疑将碰撞出更为热血的火花。The Fandisaier plus affirmatory regression and Jansen of rock path favour, 3 big shaven head are fierce male give collision undoubtedly more hot-blooded scintilla.

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依靠它的作用传达美体的另一种表达,一种人类对性感的自然流露和激情火花的再现。The action that relies on it communicates another kind of expression of beautiful body, a kind of mankind reveals the emersion with passionate scintilla to sexy nature.

我很有兴趣让那些支持枪械管制的人解释一下,跟禁止私人持枪相比,枪支管制法能对今天发生的记者遭枪击案做出一星半点的改变吗?I would love for the gun control people to explain what gun laws other than banning private ownership would have made a scintilla of difference in what happened to the journalists today.

长大后的瀚宇与慕妍两人都常到孤儿院做义工,并在慈善基金会上,两人再次相遇并擦出了爱的火花。The vasting eaves after be brought up and Mu Yan two people haunt orphanage does justice work, go up in charitable foundation, two people encounter again and brush the scintilla that gave love.