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它可播放在它的当前状态。It is playable in it's current state.

此档案没有可播放的串流。This file contains no playable streams.

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激战2将会有非人的总称的人种操作么?Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

此游戏是专为足球比赛设计的。This game is designed to be the most playable mobile soccer game.

解释了游戏中玩家玩的是天族和魔族本来想说有没有机会玩龙族说…Demons and Angels, which are the two playable factions of the game.

这款游戏有一些重新开发和反向开发的版本,一些可以直接在线玩。There have been a few remakes and demakes, some of them playable online.

游戏产品的核心特点是创意和可玩性。The game product core characteristic is the creativity and game playable.

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不过所有游戏还是可以用标准的无屏幕的控制器来玩儿的。But every game would be playable with the standard, screenless controller.

阿的发射行动的例子,可播放所需的延迟可变焦照相机。A playable example of the shot action and delayed camera zoom desired is available.

写一个音乐文件加载功能的单元测试,检查mp3是否能够播放。Write a unit test for the load_soundfile function that checks to see if mp3s are playable.

并且他们从来不会说“因为后位可以玩KQ”这样的话。And they would never say "well, because KQ is playable in MP" or something vague like that.

为了庆祝吃豆人的生日,连Google都把他们的logo变成了可以马上玩的吃豆人游戏。And even Google's in on the birthday celebration, turning their logo into a playable Pac-Man game.

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精明而又顽强的地精是资料片大灾变中部落方的全新种族。The shrewd and tenacious goblins are the Horde's newest playable race with the Cataclysm expansion.

会有一个新资料片的第一个副本给大家访问,并且可以在暴雪嘉年华上测试第一个区域。Utgarde Keep should be one of the first dungeon you can access, and the first wing will be playable at Blizzcon.

也许除了中提琴声部外,大多数乐章可以直接演奏,而且也不需要太大的改编工作。Most of the parts are playable directly, except perhaps for the viola clef, but even that is no great job to transcribe.

后来在这一天,由于众多用户对这个能玩的logo反响异常好,Google提供了一个永久性的Google吃豆人网站。Later on that day, Google released a permanent Google Pac-Man site, due to the popular user demand for the playable logo.

在试玩了几个小时东京电玩展的演示版后,我再一次爱上了这款系列游戏的第四作。I just got finished withan extensive hour-long demo of the Tokyo Game Show playable version, and I am in love all over again.

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为了纪念这款游戏发布30周年,谷歌标志变成了该游戏一个完全可玩的版本。In honor of the 30 year anniversary of the game release, Google’s logo was converted into a fully playable version of the game.

大卫·鲍德温花了近几年像秘境专营权顽皮狗游戏可玩的设计环境。David Baldwin has spent the last few years designing playable environments for titles like the Uncharted franchise at Naughty Dog.

一切都为我们创造了这个游戏,首先从一个愿望,使一个真正玩横行霸道的经验在此硬件。Everything we created for this game came, first and foremost , from a desire to make a really playable GTA experience on this hardware.