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玛丽,你把你的男朋友给甩了?Mary you your boyfriend to jilt ?

或手洗再迅速甩干即可。Or wash again quickly to jilt dry.

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他们面临的是个大问题。Jilt They were facing a real problem.

或手洗再迅速甩干即可。Or wash again quickly to jilt dry. Do not bleach.

我只好放下刀,甩甩手,休息一下再切。I had to put down the knife, jilt a hand, take a rest.

甩三下头发,看看手机屏幕有什么变化?Jilt three bottom hairs, see a cellular phone screen to have what variety?

“怎么样,还没有收获?”连清北将鱼竿甩下去。"How, haven't harvested?"Connect pure north to jilt fishing rod under go to.

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我不觉得你这样和走出去甩他一巴掌有多大区别。I don't feel you this ugg short hike out apt jilt his slap is much greatly distinct.

她捡回了甩出去的包,而丈夫却躺在了血泊中。She picks up back to jilt to go out of wrap, but the husband lie at pool of blood amid.

男人做不到,就好像负了她,这种年纪的女人很难甩。The man can not do it, seemed to take her, the woman of this kind of age can hardly jilt.

无法调解的分歧很快就会使两党分道扬镳。citing irreconcilable differences, one party will jilt the other sooner rather than later.

我愤愤的磨着牙,对着头顶地花瓣甩出一根青藤。I angrily whet a tooth and toward altitude of brain ground flower petal to jilt a green rattan.

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裁判员一声哨响,大家一齐冲了出去,果然,他马上就被远远甩在了后面。Referees a whistle, all of you blunt go out, and sure enough, he was immediately far jilt behind.

四季刚一回到家,还没来得及跟奶奶说话,杜鹃便冲过来甩给四季一巴掌。Four support got home, havent had time to talk to grandma, cuckoo rushed over to jilt a slap to the four seasons.

用力甩甩了头,想把把这个想法抛在脑后,可是越不想去想就,他就越是在你脑海里不肯离去。Hard to jilt jilted head, want to learn to this idea behind, but more want to think, and the more in your mind refused to leave.

西鲁非难受得很,正要甩脑袋,突然记得头上多了一个薇薇安,忙止住了动作。The west Lu condemnation is very subjected to, is about to jilt head, suddenly remember a top many a Wei Wei Anne, assistance lived operation.

依依和牛振生就要不要孩子的问题又发作争论,喝多了的牛振生给了依依一巴掌,依依甩门而去。Supple and NiuZhenSheng will not children of problem again attack debate, drink many of the NiuZhenSheng gave witness slap, supple jilt door and go.

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这天,他借口拿药甩脱汤雪岚,和叶辰武去了郊外,而在不远处,程紫月也在这里拍照。One day, he excuses for medicine to jilt to take off the Shang Xuelan, and Ye Chen wu went to the countryside, and in nearby, Cheng Zi month also take photos here.

在融化状态下,借助外力吹制式甩成絮状细,纤维和纤维之间为立体交叉,互相缠绕在一起,呈现出许多细小的间隙。The melting state, with external blow shape. whether floe fine, fiber jilt into for interchanges between and fiber, intertwining together, presents many small gap.

直接甩给他一对眼镖,“还不知道把那个传说中的啥米王放出来,对咱们来说是福是祸呢。”"Directly jilt a rightness of eyes Biao to him, " still doesn't know legendary that of what rice the king let out and mention to is congratulating to is a calamity to us.