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铜刃里面嵌钢的,嘿嘿!剃刀。Copper blade has steel inlaid. Razor.

这箱子镶嵌着金质字母。The box was inlaid with gold monograms.

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外侧镶嵌有13个标示音位的玉徽或金徽。On the edges are 13 inlaid jade markers.

高级别的包金臧矛攥。High class Tibetan spear with gold inlaid.

桌面上嵌着象牙雕成的花。The table is inlaid with an ivory flower-pattern.

兰登惊异地看着盒盖上手工雕刻的图案--那是一朵五瓣玫瑰。Thee lid bore a beautiful inlaid design of a rose.

镶有宝石的人骑鱼饰物。People riding fish inlaid with semiprecious stones.

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完全手工制造,而且雕刻设计采用蚀镂法刻入。It's hand-made and the inlaid designs are etched in.

一条精心制作的镶有宝石的项链。An elaborate necklace inlaid with semiprecious stones.

心型缅甸玉坠鍊,珠宝师工艺手工精镶顶级晶钻。Burma Jadeite heart pendant inlaid with shiny crystals.

恢复区的镶嵌群落以根茎植物为主。But in the inlaid community there was more rhizome plants.

墙壁和地板上都镶着发光的宝石。The walls and the floor were inlaid with sparkling jewels.

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产品定位于高档的925纯银及镶嵌。Product Positioning in the 925 high-grade silver and inlaid.

山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸嫩绿色的花蕾镶嵌上了红褐色的印迹。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸发芽了,在红褐色的土壤下衬出淡淡的绿意。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

终端为复合型的,带内置铅铜芯线。Theterminal is compounding type with inlaid lead copper core.

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一个镶嵌着玛瑙和琉璃的大衣柜占满了墙的一角。A large press, inlaid with agate and lapis-lazuli, filled one.

泰姬陵有无数细小的彩石嵌入白色大理石中。The Taj Mahal has tiny colorful stones inlaid in white marble.

这张壁画,金镶玉嵌,十分华丽。This wall painting inlaid with gold and jade is very splendid.