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土壤潮湿有助于植物生长。The humidity of soil helps to grow.

生石灰湿度高于正常值。Humidity of quick lime above normal.

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增加呼气潮气容积。Increases the expiration humidity volume.

高耐湿性和高耐化学性。High resistance to humidity and chemicals.

要完全增湿气体是不容易的。It is not easy to humidity a gas completely.

湿气使我的风湿病又发作了。Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism.

相对湿度采用百分数表示。Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.

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只有部分瓷片的湿气排出了。Only partial humidity of the tiles is discharged.

贝莱姆是炎热和潮湿的城市,具有很高的湿度。Belém is a hot and rainy city with very high humidity.

保持湿度对纤毛功能来说十分重要。Maintenance of humidity is vital for ciliary function.

棚屋因为很大的湿气而让人很不舒服。The hut was not comfortable because of the high humidity.

巢穴土丘巡逻蚂蚁或许也评估溼度和气温。Nest mound patrollers may assess humidity and temperature.

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线性度是湿敏元件的重要特性参数。The linearity is a important property of humidity elements.

湿度指示器将信息传至控制中心。Humidity indicators transmit information to the control centre.

纳米钛酸钡感湿芯片是一种电阻式湿度传感器。Nanometer barium titanate humidity sensor is a resistive sensor.

由于地气的原因,这根铁柱子已经生锈了。This iron pillar has rusted because of the humidity in the land.

天气,指的是每一天的温度、湿度和降雨。Weather is the day-to-day temperature, humidity and precipitation.

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虽然热度和湿度都有影响,但人们能够适应。Yet as challenging as heat and humidity are, people can acclimate.

勿在低寒,高温,灰尘及潮湿的环境下使用电脑。A void using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.

如果湿度不在设置点内,那么打开外部通风。If humidity not within the set point, turn on external ventilation.