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向下拔出固定板。Pull out retainer plate downwards.

它同样是,开口向下的一条抛物线。It's, again, a parabola going downwards.

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贝内迪克特用他的拐棍又往下指了指。Benedict pointed downwards again with his stick.

漩涡能将潜水者往下方拉扯。Whirlpools and eddies can pull divers downwards.

充气时迅速向下拉红色的绳套。To inflate put the red toggle sharply downwards.

如果乌云压下来就会无路可走了。We'll be blocked if the dark clouds fall downwards.

此处显示为虚线黑线,标题向下。shown here as a dashed black line, heading downwards.

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僧人们认为石兽顺着水流往下流去了。The monks think stone beast down the water flowing downwards.

过去我们常常认为土的自然规律就是向下运动。We are used to that ,earth has a natural motion of downwards.

这是契约法历史中向前推进的另一步。This is another step downwards in the history of contract-law.

从那以后,她的报酬和工作时间一直在稳步下降。Since then, her pay and her hours have moved steadily downwards.

迎着风,鸟向下倾斜身体,向后倾斜它的翅膀。Against the wind, a bird slants downwards and rakes it wings back.

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可以看到图像,是一个向下的抛物面。And, so, we saw that the graph is this paraboloid pointing downwards.

这个水平有否向下修订的空间,值得社会多加讨论。It worth further discussion wether this figure can be revise downwards.

预计下周防静电面料价格行情向下调整趋势概率居大。Estimated probability of anti-static fabric prices downwards trend next week.

遗传学家都知道这一点,但从那时开始,基因组的数量每年都向下修正。Geneticists will know this, but every year since, it's been revised downwards.

得到的是在一个方向上开口向下,而在另外的一个方向开口向上的抛物线。So, we have a parabola going downwards in one direction,upwards in the other one.

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人无有不善,水无有不下。There are none but have this tendency to good, just as all water flows downwards.

桑塔纳不久卷土重来,他的近距离大力头球轰门弹地后击中横梁而出。Then Santana powered a header downwards from close range and the ball hit the bar.

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