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这收据没什么用。It's useless.

我就是一无用处。I’m just useless.

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武器也无用。Weapons are useless.

哄骗是办不到的。To cajole is useless.

或许臣服也没有用。Or submit to also useless.

禁用无用的推理。Disable Useless Theorizing.

我是个没本事的人。I am a very useless person.

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即使我离开,这世界繁华依旧。I'm useless for this world.

这把钝刀毫无用处。The blunt knife is useless.

法国人是无用的吃货。The french are useless eates.

不跟差劲的人来往。Make no useless acquaintances.

没有步枪,我也成废人。Without my rifle, I am useless.

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跟他们争论是徒劳无补的。it's useless arguing with them.

没有实质帮助的忠告亳无用处。Counsel without help is useless.

他的右臂几乎没用。His right arm is nearly useless.

在我们看来,他们毫无用处。In our opinion, they're useless.

汽车没有汽油便无用。A car is useless without gasolene.

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无水的井没有用途。A well devoid of water is useless.

光说不练是没用的。All talk and no action is useless.

但两者缺一,便全无用处。But the lack of a, is all useless.