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他会坚持说我们的计划行不通。He insists that our plan is impracticable.

那些新建筑物的设计图是行不通的。Those new building plans are impracticable.

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很明显这个计划是不能实现的。It's evident that the plan is impracticable.

他公开批评该计划不切实际。He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.

禁用所有的食品添加剂是行不通的。It would be impracticable to ban all food additives.

那些新的商务大楼的设计图是行不通的。Those new business building plans are impracticable.

与阿斯科利的比赛很奇怪,在一个不可行的场地进行。The Ascoli game was strange, on an impracticable pitch.

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利用长期轮作草场进行早期放牧是不切实际的。It is impracticable to go for early bite from longer leys.

他们会洗你的脑让你买些不实用的或不需要的东西。They will brainwash you to purchase those impracticable and no using thing.

他们的计划不过是空中楼阁而已,因为它根本行不通。Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable.

他能正确处理员工们不切实际的想法,告诉他们这些想法是行不通的。He can tackle with their impractical thoughts and tell them they are impracticable.

他的一些建议被采用了,但也有些因为太不切实际而被拒绝了。Some of his suggestions have been adopted but others have been turned as the are quite impracticable.

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凯恩斯写到,向批发转型,即行不通也没有需求Keynes wrote that, "The idea of wholesale shifts is for various reasons impracticable and indeed undesirable.

华远与华润分手之后,曾有人预言华远不行了、任志强不行了。Huayuan after breaking up with the CRC had been predicted Hua Yuan can not succeed, Renzhiqiang impracticable.

订立详尽的规则,以便涵盖所有因要约,包括透过全面要约进行的股份购回,而可能导致的情况,并不切实可行。It is impracticable to devise rules in sufficient detail to cover all circumstances which can arise in offers including share repurchases by general offer.

由于直接在模板上加工出螺肉形孔是不可能的,所以必须使用一个局部镶块,典型的设计如图4.29所示。As it is impracticable to machine the winkle shape directly into the mould plate, a local mould insert must be used, and a typical design is shown in Figure 4.29.

大法官霍尔姆斯写道,“当一项行为规则适用于绝大多数人时,要求每个人都应在规则的适用过程中直接发表意见是不切实际的。"Where a rule of conduct applies to more than a few people, " Justice Holmes wrote, "it is impracticable that every one should have a direct voice in its adoption.

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该报纸声称内塔尼亚胡同他的国防部长埃胡德•巴拉克正在谋划,如何在冬天来临之前,趁天气还允许下令立即使用炸弹。The paper claims that Mr Netanyahu and his defence minister, Ehud Barak, are contemplating giving the order to bomb soon, before winter weather makes it impracticable.

架空输送电线路因覆冰而导致的事故危害性很大,本文总结了目前国内外输电线路导线覆冰的现状。Icing will bring a lot of disserve to impracticable power transmission line, here is summary about icing phenomenon on power transmission line around the world recently.

所谓“领袖”,那肯定是常人做不到的,他必是统观全局,以大局利益为重。Alleged " cacique " , that affirmation is ordinary person impracticable , he is all view overall situation surely, attach most importance to with overall situation interest.