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我会用真理战胜谬误。I shall conquer untruth by truth.

那是真理,而那是谎言。There is truth, and there is untruth.

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而不需面对夜晚虚伪的折磨。Without the torment of the night's untruth.

这是一个太大的谎言,即使为了拳击。That's one untruth too many -- even for boxing.

他们只是跟风撒播一件不真实的事情。They have simply followed each other in reporting an untruth.

有人说一个没有历史的国家是独天独厚的,这是根本错误的。It is a base untruth to say that happy is the nation that has no history.

如果说美国卫生保健系统中只有腐败,这是一个谎言。To say that there is nothing but corruption in the U. S. health care system is an untruth.

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你知道你作错了,不然你不会硬跟我说瞎话。You know you have been doing wrong, or you wouldn't be driven to uttering an untruth to me.

这句冠冕堂皇的谎言在我的肋骨间回荡,令我感到舒适无比,我几乎又把它说了一遍。This flagrant untruth reverberated so pleasantly between my ribs that I almost said it again.

听起来很友好,但如果此人说话时一张苦脸,就可能表示并非出于真心。This sounds nice enough, but if the person grimaced when they said it, that could signal an untruth.

新闻道德的基本原则是,记者绝不应蓄意传播不实的消息。And it is a basic tenet of ethical journalism that no reporter wants knowingly to disseminate an untruth.

对梅说一次谎话倒无关紧要,令他伤心的是他发现她想假装没有识破他。It did not hurthim half as much to tell May an untruth as to see hertrying to pretend that she had not detected him.

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当她第一次在学校上课时,汤普森夫人站在她所教的五年级学生们的面前,对着他们讲了一个谎言。As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth.

虚假的确存在,不仅仅存在于宇宙体系中,而且因其负面因素还存在于我们人类的理解力上。Untruth there certainly is, not in the system of the universe, but in our power of comprehension, as its negative element.

进一步说,这种论辩也无意于得出某种结论,而在于展现生活的悖论。Furthermore, this argumentation has no interest to draw some conclusion but has a belief to bring its untruth and self-contradiction to light.

亲爱的,终结之期就要到了,由于你们在不断提升自己的振动,你们将发现自己能够更简单的分辨真相与假象。Dear Ones, the end times are really under way, and as you lift your vibrations you will find that you are able to more easily discern between the truth and untruth.

心理测试测试技木是一项新兴的刑事检验技术,而“测谎”则更多地出现在媒体上,为大众所广泛接受。The mental state test technique is a technique of a newly arisen crime examination, but the "testing untruth" numerously appear on the medium, and is extensive for the public to accept.

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钦则解释说,在佛教中,我们试图理解什么是真实和虚幻的区别,也认识到心具有成百万的方法来定义真实和虚假的能力。Khyentse explained that in Buddhism, we try to understand the difference between what is real and unreal, recognizing that the mind is capable of defining truth and untruth in millions of ways.

过去的几天里,随着暴动在伦敦和英格兰的其他地方不断蔓延,微博上也充斥着各种传言、夸大、彻底的谎言和有用的消息。As the riots spread across London and the rest of the country over the last few days, Twitter has been awash with rumour, exaggeration and downright untruth alongside people spreading useful news.