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这个孤儿院位于坎帕拉的中心。It was in the centre of Kampala.

坎培拉是其首都和最大的城市。Kampala is the capital and the largest city.

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在坎帕拉的姆拉戈医院,一名医生正在给的一名受害者诊断。A doctor treats a victim at Mulago hospital in Kampala.

乌干达传统国王的闹事支持者关闭了首都坎帕拉。Rioting supporters of a traditional king in Uganda have shut down the capital Kampala.

布朗在坎帕拉的演讲传递了一个信息,那就是情况不一样了,已经不再是慷慨大方的年代了。Brown's speech in Kampala was an indication that the wind is now blowing from a different direction.

乌干达在坎帕拉造成70人死亡的爆炸案发生后已经将死者下葬。Ugandans buried their dead this week after bombings that killed more than seventy people in Kampala.

卡苏比王陵位于首都坎帕拉的市郊,受到乌干达人数最多的部族布甘达人民的敬仰。Kasubi tombs just outside the capital Kampala are revered by Uganda's most populous tribe, the Buganda.

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坎帕拉指责在喀土穆的苏丹中央政府提供圣主抵抗军予以帮助,喀土穆否认此指控。Kampala accused Sudan's central government in Khartoum of providing support to the LRA, a charge Khartoum denies.

首都坎帕拉卡郊外苏比王陵举行为期一周的纪念活动,今天是最后一天,数千人参加了该仪式。Thousands of people attended the week-long event which ends today at the Kasubi tombs on the outskirts of the capital Kampala.

他在坎帕拉呆了六个月,干点零活,并且一有时间就到图书馆去,贪婪地阅读着各种书籍。He remained in Kampala for six months, working at odd jobs and spending every spare moment in the library, reading voraciously.

据报告,在坎帕拉一处接近布干达省办事处的地方发生了炮火袭击,而坎帕拉的其他大多数地区也仍在关闭中。There are reports of gunfire from a part of Kampala around Buganda Community offices and the rest of the city remains largely closed.

调查了乌干达坎帕拉和恩德培的售药点的药品过期的严重程度以及主要原因。We investigated the extent of, and the main contributing factors to, expiry of medicines in medicine supply outlets in Kampala and Entebbe, Uganda.

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人们都知道卡托所居住的位于Kampala城郊的小区不太平,最近有好几个人在那被人用铁棒击死。Mr. Kato’s neighborhood on the outskirts of Kampala is known as a rough one, where several people have recently been beaten to death with iron bars.

坎帕拉学生中心的7名学生和土森联合学区的学校挑选出来的学生配对成为笔友。Seven students at Kampala Student Centre were paired with their peers drawn from schools in the Tucson Unified School District in a pen-pal program.

可是,坎帕拉都市警察发言人森库姆比说,乌干达警方有权根据警察法案对抗议和集会实行管制。But Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Idi Ssenkumbi said the Ugandan police have the right under the Police Act to regulate protests and assemblies.

他可能还组织了去年乌干达的自杀式爆炸,致使坎帕拉一家酒店和一家俱乐部正在观看世界杯决赛的民众中有数人死亡。He may have co-ordinated the suicide bombings in Uganda last year that killed crowds gathered at a restaurant and a nightclub in Kampala to watch the World Cup final.

这起车祸发生在距离首都坎帕拉西方三百六十公里的鲁杜托,十八日下午,一辆刹车失灵的油罐车与对面而来S。The accident took place in Rututo, 360 kilometers west of the capital Kampala. On the afternoon of July 18th, an oil tanker with faulty brakes collided with a bus from S.

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威康信托基金会国际参与奖最近给予的资助金将帮助该项目扩大到恩德培和坎帕拉地区更多的社区和村庄。A recent grant from the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Award will help the project to expand to more communities and villages within the Entebbe and Kampala areas.

联盟提供了一个交流、合作和协调活动的机会,来实现“在堪帕拉的基础上继续前进”文件中确定的目标。The Alliance provides an opportunity to network, collaborate and coordinate activities to achieve the goals set out in the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global Action.

乌干达官员怀疑是索马里极端组织青年党策划了首都坎帕拉的两起爆炸事件,至少有64人在观看世界杯决赛的时候被炸死,65人被炸伤。Ugandan officials suspect the Somali extremist group al-Shabab was behind two bombings that killed 64 people and injured 65 as the victims watched the World Cup final in Kampala.