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我只找到精装版。I can only find the hardcover.

精装版的价格怎么样?How about the price of the hardcover?

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是的。我们有平装本和精装本。Yes. We have both the paperback and the hardcover.

只有一些有平装本.大部分都是精装本.得花不少钱.Only some of them. Most of the books are hardcover.

一些最好的交易是他们卖的精装本书籍。Some of the best deals are on their hardcover books.

精装书,176页,内有超过150张全彩色图片。Hardcover. 176 pages. More than 150 full-color photos.

而且沃尔特用精装的方式出版这本书。Walther also acquires books, will bring out in hardcover.

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DX的屏幕达到了9.7寸,相当于一本精装本的尺寸。The DX has a 9.7-inch screen, about the size of a hardcover.

我们有精装本,袖珍本,和平装本。We have hardcover version, pocket version, and paperback one.

我们有精装本,袖珍本,和平装本。We have a hardcover version, pocket version, and paperback one.

那本小说的精装本卖了二十万册,平装本卖了两百万册。The novel sold200,000 copies in hardcover and2 million in paperback.

笔记簿宜有硬皮、印有行线、袋装大小、钉装结实,另外可加一条橡皮圈作书签。It is best to choose a small pocket-size hardcover notebook with lines.

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阳光100出租大4居,精装复式,居住办公都可以。Sunshine 100 rental 4 Habitat large hardcover penthouse the office can live.

长期专注于收藏品拍卖精装图录的设计与印刷。Long-term focus on the hardcover collection auction catalog design and printing.

精装本的图书的优势也并非在于硬皮封面,而在于领先平装本的即时性。Hardcover books command a premium for their immediacy, disguised as a harder cover.

此外,由于一些精装房,还可以共享的传统装饰。In addition, as a number of hardcover room, also get the share of traditional decoration.

该精装线是从一个内置缝块一箱,包括护套和包装。The hardcover line is inline from a sewn block to a box, including jacketing and wrapping.

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挑高精装写字楼,建筑面积37.26平米,实际面积75平米,。Choose high office, building area hardcover 37.26 square meters, actual area 75 square meters,.

读者认为它确实对自己有着非同一般的意义,因此会再次购买精装版的漫画书。People think, ‘That really meant something to me, I’m going to purchase the hardcover version.’

她说,“那么在精装本销售还很火爆的情况下,推出平装本的时间点在哪儿呢?”“What was the point of putting out a paperback when the hardcover sales were so extensive?” she said.