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替我挠挠头。Scratch my head.

摸摸你的头。Touch your head.

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我撞伤了头。I bumped my head.

这是我的头。Thiss is my head.

他惭愧地低头不语。His head in shame.

快把头低下!Duck your head down!

享受头部急速流动。Enjoy the head rush.

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他用手掌打她的头部。He clouted her head.

我挠挠脑袋。I scratched my head.

我的头很晕。My head is spinning.

她低下了头。She abased her head.

我头好痛啊!!!My head hurts ah! ! !

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快点浦头哦!Quickly pump head Oh!

她是我们的销售主管。She is Head of Sales.

汤姆是个贪睡的人。Tom is a sleepy head.

他摸摸她的头说。He felt her head said.

他搔了搔头。He scratched his head.

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她双手抱头。Her head in her hands.

我是一个超级大头虾。I'm a big head shrimp.

那个是鸭头吗?Is that a duck's head?