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我一直很喜欢她。I always liked Nell.

我无法断定内尔是否喜欢他。I can't make out if Nell likes him or not.

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“Nell和Frank去年过世了。”她说道"Nell and Frank died last year," she said.

他的狗奈尔开始把羊朝一起赶。His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.

Nell也是个好姑娘。我一直很喜欢她。And Nell was a good woman. I always liked Nell.

卡伦和尼尔已经在门口挥手与我告别了。Karen and Nell had waved me off from the door-way.

耐儿走近那威风凛凛的大门时,它正在慢慢地打开。As Nell approached the awful door, it turned slowly upon.

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如果内尔不再干这种在起居室沙发上睡觉的蠢事的话。If nell will stop this foolery of sleeping on the sitting-room sofa.

奈尔.希普曼走遍全国导演野生动物的冒险电影。Nell Shipman traveled the country directing wild life adventures films.

不久耐儿也来到我们一起,把一些针钱活计放在桌上。Nell joined us before long, and bringing some needle-work to the table.

现在的每一分钟内尔都会敲响吃饭铃声,克莱尔就必须得进去了。Any minute now Nell will ring the dinner bell and Clare will have to go in.

阿尔弗雷德的姐姐尼尔死于1964,死时仍为弟弟的死而伤心。His sister Nell died, still heartbroken by his brutal wartime death, in 1964.

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评论家妮尔·米诺说电影反映了“恶老板下台前那暗无天日的时光”。Nell Minow, a critic, says the film reflects "the bitterness of the post-meltdown era".

爱露薏丝生日那天,尼洛和帕特拉斯基两个独自回到阴暗的小茅屋里,并吃了一餐黑面包。On alois's birthday nell o and patrasche went home by themselves to the dark little hut and ate a meal of black bread.

狄更斯在19世纪40年代写小妮尔的死去时,人们为之哭泣——而且我敢肯定,哈利波特系列中人物的死也会让读者为之流下泪水。When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept—and I'm sure that the death of characters in J.K.

狄更斯在19世纪40年代写小妮尔的死去时,人们为之哭泣——而且我敢肯定,哈利波特系列中人物的死也会让读者为之流下泪水。When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept—and I'm sure that the death of characters in J. K.

狄更斯在19世纪40年代写小妮尔的死去时,人们为之哭泣——而且我敢肯定,哈利波特系列中人物的死也会让读者为之流下泪水。When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept—and I'm sure that the death of characters in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series led to similar tears.

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跟随像内尔·麦克安德鲁和安吉丽娜·朱利这样的大人物的脚步是一个极大的挑战,但人生就是充满挑战的,而这样的挑战对一个模特或女演员而言可能是最大的一个。It's a huge challenge to follow in the footsteps of people like Nell McAndrew and Angelina Jolie, but life is all about challenges and this is perhaps the biggest one for a model and actress.

在狮子攻击过程中,妮尔.汉姆在山狮的利颚咬住其夫吉姆的头后,先用笔猛刺山狮的眼珠,之后抡起一根大树枝,连番痛打这只大猫至其屈服。Nell Hamm attempted to gouge the lion's eyes with a pen before picking up a large branch and clubbing the big cat into submission after it sunk its jaws into her husband Jim's head during the attack.