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你的朋友,W,B,叶芝“Yours, W.B. Yeats."

我们只负责投保水渍险。We'll only insure W.P.A.

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你是查尔斯-W-格瑞姆斯?Are you Charles W.Grimes?

把它叫做大写的。W We'll call it capital W.

现在我们有u,q和。w Now, we have u, q and w.

生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

做功是w一撇。We're going to have w prime.

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这次我们想投保水渍险。We want W.P.A cover this time.

加衬导流无纺布装置。Add lead-flow N. W fabric unit.

艾伦·杜勒斯的中情局身份证CIA ID Card for Allen W. Dulles

壁挂式安装在驾控台。Wall mounting type install in W. H.

快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。Hurry up, or w will blat for school.

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到所有厕所找失踪人员。Search all W. C for missing persons.

你喜欢冷冻烘干的咖啡吗?W 4 Do you like freeze-dried coffee?

我们将近一个月未见滴雨。W had not sn rain in almost a month.

那就在你的号码后写一个。W" And after the numeral, put a "w".

我能乘坐你的宝马车一起去兜风吗?Can I ride with you in your B. M. W ?

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白雪比你美丽多了!S. w is much more beautiful than you!

乐观主义由德国哲学家G。Coined by the German philosopher G. W.

我们保险公司一般承保水渍险。Our company generally underwrite W.P.A.