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她的懒惰让我气愤。Her laziness maddens me.

懒则衰。Laziness leads to debility.

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我为我的懒惰道歉。I apologize for my laziness.

他所易犯的毛病就是懒惰。His besetting sin is laziness.

我还是来打酱油的…Laziness is a kind of instinct.

她责备他懒惰。She chided him for his laziness.

贫穷不怕羞,疏懒才光荣。Poverty is no shame, laziness is.

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他的懒惰真让我生气。His laziness really ticked me off.

贫穷不可耻,懒惰才是。Proverty is no shame, laziness is.

他责怪他的儿子懒惰。He reproached his son with laziness.

然而一旦进入大学,就可以偷懒了。Yet once there, laziness can set in.

懒惰是生产力的天敌。Laziness is the enemy of productivity.

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当然,懒惰才是真正的原因“The real reason of course is laziness.

他的父亲因他懒惰而训诫他。His father admonished him for laziness.

难道我们要赞同懒散吗?Does this mean we should endorse laziness?

由于他懒惰成性,他母亲大为生气。His mother is rather angry at his laziness.

没有最佳谜底但念考有很大区别怠惰。But thellonking is far different from laziness.

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伙伴可以督促你帮你克服懒惰。Partners can motivate you to overcome laziness.

我真的应该采取措施来屏除我的惰性了。I really have to do something about my laziness.

迎合用户的惰性是一把双刃剑。Appealing to users' laziness is a two-sided coin.