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灰灰的暗。Dark gray.

黑头发。Dark hair.

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幼虫暗红色。Larvae dark red.

这肮脏的黑暗。Befouled the dark.

却又暗涌悲伤。Grief in the dark.

我在它黑暗的刺中哭泣着。In its dark thorns.

载入一个暗场图片。Loads a dark frame.

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是藏蓝色的。They are dark blue.

太暗了,无法看见。It's too dark to see.

我的眉毛很浓。My eyebrows are dark.

现在要介绍黑暗面了。Now to the dark side.

这些就是黑暗时代These are dark times.

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黑茶还是红茶?Dark tea or black tea?

天太暗,不能看见。It is too dark to see.

光亮取代了黑暗。Light instead of dark.

没有阳光,我是黑暗的。No sunshine, I'm dark.

这房间很暗。The room is very dark.

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我怕黑。I'm afraid of the dark.

墙的颜色太暗了。The walls are too dark.

是什么驱逐了黑暗?What banishes the dark?