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企鹅埃德娜发现新世界是第四本插图绘画本。Edna the penguin goes on a quest to discover new colors.

他看见埃德娜走过去,胳膊上挂着一只缝纫袋,摇摇晃晃的。He saw Edna passing with a sewing kit dangling from her arm.

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埃德娜迅速的跳进水里去救他,她潜到水底把拉尔夫拉出了水面。Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Ralph out.

“正是因为女人的运命,女人会不结婚的,”艾德拉愤愤补充道。“"And a woman should not be married just for her fortune, " Edna added indignantly.

当她去告诉埃德娜这好消息的时候她说,“埃德娜,我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news.

埃德娜说,她认为节省能源很重要,但是她说,很多办公室的温度太高了。Edna says she thinks it is important to save energy, but says it is already too hot in some offices.

她的母亲,埃德纳.斯哥顿,是个巡游演员,她的父亲,泰迪,是赌博业中的“数字银行家”。Her mother was Edna Scotton, a touring actress, and her father was Teddy, a "numbers banker" in the gambling business.

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因为她的父亲是个白人,她深信她的母亲爱弥尔顿远胜于她。她对身边的每一个人都加以讽刺。Convinced that her mother loves her less than she does Milton because her father was white, Edna lashes out at everyone around her.

伍尔弗汉普顿的埃德娜·理查德说,她是女王的坚定拥护者,女王总是把日程安排得很满,这一点让她十分钦佩。Edna Richards of Wolverhampton said she was a firm supporter of the monarchy, and admired the queen for maintaining a busy schedule.

调查负责人及参与者埃德娜。梅德福说,排名的变动受到如今人们关注点的影响。The fluidity of perceptions of past presidents reflects contemporary concerns, according to Edna Medford, a survey leader and participant.

戈德堡将环境DNA视为一种获得答案的方法,它较之传统调研技术更为安全有效,并且更少破坏环境。Caren Goldberg sees eDNA as a way to get answers more efficiently, safely and with less destruction compared to traditional survey techniques.

该可变剪接序列预测的三维结构模型同正常的EPSPS基因的三维结构存在显著差异。Notable differences were identified between the predicted three-dimensional structure of the normal EPSPS eDNA sequence and the alternative splicing sequence.

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幢乡间别墅中懒洋洋地享受着夏日傍晚的悠闲,突然她正在摆弄的篝火冲起大火,火燃到身上烧伤延至腰部以上。Edna Fodor was enjoying a lazy summer evening at her son's cottage in Canada when the bonfire she was tending flared suddenly, searing her body from the waist up.

格罗佛的母亲,艾德那格罗佛告诉我她曾去过警局报警想查明他儿子到底发生了什么事,但是却从未收到任何真正的帮助。His mother, Edna Glover, told me she'd gone to the department and made a police report, but had never received any real help in uncovering what became of her son.

这栋房子还基于其他理由而知名。柯克兰房地产的仲介人员艾利克斯.尼可拉斯说,人类学家玛格莉特.米德与诗人爱德娜.圣文森.米蕾,都曾住过这栋房子。It's famous for other reasons, too. Corcoran real estate broker Alex Nicholas says anthropologist Margaret Mead and poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once called it home.

世界第一寿星、美国人埃德娜·帕克4月20日迎来了115岁生日。Edna Parker, who was born April 20, 1893, was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest last August after the death of a Japanese woman four months her senior.

对于像女高音歌唱家内莉•梅尔巴夫人和喜剧演员“埃德娜•埃弗瑞奇”来说,以及像“男子汉”乐队和“小河”乐队之类的乐队而言,墨尔本也是促进典型的非欧洲文化的活动中心。It is also home to such quintessentially non-european cultural advances as dame nellie melba and "edna everage" and bands such as men at work and the little river band.

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艾静的父亲是权来的师傅,权来没有因为艾娜未婚先孕打退堂鼓,而是遵从师傅临终之前的委托娶了艾娜。Ai Jing's father is right to the right to master, not because of Edna weihunxianyun commissioned but to comply with the master beat a retreat, before dying married edna.

虽然随着剧情的进展,格林玛被痛苦揪着的心最终使她崩溃了,但命苦的埃德娜的形象却最能打动我们。Although the pain that grips Gremmar's heart during the course of the play eventually overtakes her, it's Pressley's portrayal of the bitter Edna that affects us most deeply.

世上最长寿的妇人已离世。伊德娜帕克星期五在印第安纳的一家养老院里去世,享年115岁。现在轮到一位葡萄牙妇女获得最长寿的称号,她生于1893年。The oldest woman in the world has died. Edna Parker was 115 when she passed away Wednesday at a nursing home in Indiana. The title now falls to a Portuguese woman who was born back in 1893.