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亚美尼亚人去年在首都耶烈万下著西洋棋。Armenians play chess in the capital Yerevan last year.

该班机由伊朗首都德黑兰飞往亚美尼亚首都埃里温。The aircraft was traveling from Tehran to the Armenian capital of Yerevan.

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该j俄罗斯制造的图波列夫飞机按计划飞往亚美尼亚首都埃里温。The Russian-built Tupolev plane had been on its way to the Armenian capital, Yerevan.

在耶列万的大部分成年人能够用俄语交流,而用英语交流的人口也在不断增加。Most adults in Yerevan can communicate in Russian, while English is increasing in popularity

居尔的车队疾驶过埃里温市中心时,街上的车辆停驶,警察和示威者站在街道两旁。Police and demonstrators lined the traffic-free streets as his motorcade sped through downtown Yerevan.

亚美尼亚主要的景观都集中在埃尔温附近,这座城市是当今世界最古老的城市之一。All the main sightseeings of Armenia are situated near Yerevan – one of the most ancient cities in the world.

电视画面显示了在其首都耶列万,一家新闻通讯社的记者郁闷的盯着空白的屏幕。Television pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.

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2011年4月21日,超级喷气式100飞机进行了首次商业飞行,经亚美尼亚航空线路从埃里温飞往莫斯科。On 21 April 2011, the Superjet 100 performed its first commercial passenger flight, on the Armavia route from Yerevan to Moscow.

土耳其总统居尔抵达亚美尼亚首都埃里温,这是土耳其国家元首第一次访问亚美尼亚。The turkish president abd ullah gul arrived in the armenian capital yerevan the first time a turkish head of state has visited the country.

还威胁切断土耳其与埃里温的空中联系,并且驱逐亚美尼亚移民劳工,如果亚美尼亚政府没有对其利益游说的话。It is threatening to sever air links between Turkey and Yerevan and to expel Armenian migrant workers if the Armenian government does not lobby on its behalf.

伊朗国家电视台星期叁报导说,伊朗一家航空公司的客机星期叁在飞往亚美尼亚首都埃里温的途中在伊朗北部城市加兹温附近坠毁。State television said Wednesday the Iranian airliner was heading to the Armenian capital of Yerevan when it went down near the northern Iranian city of Qazvin.

今年五月份,今年五月份,一个亚美尼亚航空公司的A-320客机在从埃里温飞往俄罗斯旅游胜地索契的途中坠毁,造成113人死亡,其中包括部分俄罗斯人。In May 113 people, including Russians, died when an Airbus A-320 belonging to Armenian airline Armavia crashed on its way from Yerevan to the Russian resort of Sochi.

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2011年2月17日,亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔基相和总理季格兰·萨尔基相在埃里温分别会见了到访的中国外交部长杨洁篪。On February 17, 2011, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met respectively with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Yerevan.

安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系,第一次世界大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide.