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他祝福你成功。He wishes you Godspeed.

我们祝她一路顺风。We wished her godspeed.

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还要我多说吗?杰利,祝你在担负这个使命上幸运成功!Godspeed and good luck in this vital mission you are undertaking?

祝中国速度越来越快,祝印度航天科学家拥有好运气。Godspeed to China. And best of luck to our space scientists as well.

我祝福那个曾是我对手、并将成为我的总统的人。I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.

我祝愿曾是我的对手而将是我的总统的这个人好运。I wish godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.

如果你回答这两个问题的话,我祝你和你准备一帆风顺!If you answered yes to these two questions, you're ready and I wish you Godspeed !

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我必须走了,然后我要把这个录音藏起来。祝你我都好运,一路平安。I've got to keep moving, so I need to hide this tape. Good luck to all of us, and godspeed.

首先将殖民者载到詹姆士镇的英属东印度公司船只共有三艘,「天佑平安号」是其中之一。The Godspeed is one of three British East India Company ships that first brought colonists to the settlement.

你们已辛苦学习了几年而且干得不错,我们在此衷心地祝福你们在生活的道路上取得成功。You've labored long and done fine work, and we're here to honor you and wish you godspeed on your life's journey.

最后,谨献上我对20世纪最后一届毕业生,对21世纪未来领袖们的衷心祝福,祝愿你们梦想成真、前程似锦。So to the last class of the 20th century, to the leaders of the 21st century, I offer congratulations, and wish you Godspeed.

那儿同样有船用来载居民去詹姆斯敦岛屿。这船的名字叫做永远的苏珊。There are also recreated versions of the ships that carried the colonists to Jamestown Island. The ships were called the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery.

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载著殖民者来到詹姆士镇的船只也被重建了。船只分别是永�的苏珊号,成功号和发现号。There are also recreated versions of the ships that carried the colonists to Jamestown Island. The ships were called the Susan constant, Godspeed and discovery.

把殖民者带到詹姆斯敦岛的船也被重新造了出来。这些船叫作永恒的苏珊,幸运发现号。There are also recreated versions of the ships that the carried the colonists to Jamestown Island . the ships were called the Susan Constant , Godspeed and Discovery.

复制船「天佑平安号」于二00六年五月航向美国东岸的各大港口,向这些文化遗产致敬的州级、国家级及国际级活动于焉展开。State, national and international events to salute these legacies began in May 2006 with the sailing of the replica ship Godspeed to major ports along the East Coast of the United States.

像其他公民一样,我祝新总统以及他的班子好运,希望将来几年大家能够共享和平与繁荣。Like every other -- Like every other citizen, I wish the new President, and all who will labor with him, Godspeed. I pray that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity for all.