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它使你看起来像傻瓜似的。It makes you look moronic.

我意识到这个问题听起来很弱智。I realise the question sounds moronic.

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注意在线“互动”这种愚蠢的把戏。Look for moronic online "engagement" gimmicks.

曾经还是一个有用的工具的,被我们用来做成了一个玩具。纯粹的低能啊。We've made a toy out of what has been a fine utility. Utterly moronic.

与其与一个冷漠无情的聪明女子结婚,毋宁和一个多情鲁钝的女人结合。Marry a smart and indifferent woman, or a passionate and moronic woman with.

但拉丁文最大的优点是,它不太可能显得俗套、含糊或愚蠢。But the biggest advantage is that it is quite impossible to be naff, vague or moronic in Latin.

下次去闲逛时,观察一下一个11岁的孩子嘴里叼着烟屁的样子,那就是你在任何20岁以上的人眼里的形象。It makes you look moronic. Next time you're out cruising, watch an 11-year-old with a butt in his mouth.

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大英雄开着小本田想要攻击巨龙,然后巨龙喷出的火焰燃着了他身上可笑的宽衣蒁―他被烧死了。The protagonist arrives in a run down Honda Civic and attempts to fight the dragon but he burns to death when his moronic baggy clothes catch fire.

这是什么类比啊?他把商人比作了小偷。真是个低能的副部长。他越是开口说话,就越臭。What sort of analogy is this ? He portrayedtraders are like thieves. What a moronic deputy finance minister we have. Themore he open his mouth, the more stinks he spews.

萨朗斯通是在嘎纳电影节上,有人把麦克风放在她嘴边以后,和以往一样,开始喷出这些低级的无知的废话来的。Sharon Stone was at the Cannes Film Festival, and someone put a microphone in front of her mouth, and well, she just started spewing out moronic nonsense like she usually does.

我可以看着你的眼睛告诉你,我还没有蠢到去相信如果我抄袭了歌曲没人会看出来。I will look you in your eyes and tell you that I am not dumb enough or moronic enough to think that you are dumb enough or moronic enough not to see that I would have stolen a melody.

某天有位读者问云计算是否能帮他节省硬盘空间,这使我意识到现在是时候来说说这个听起来傻傻的词到底意味着什么了。The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it’s time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.