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一种宗教中的所有的神。Propitiate the gods with a sacrifice.

他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god.

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我想抚慰他时尤其感到这点,我的同情得不到呼应。I have told you of her attempts to propitiate M.

我试著取悦神祇,驱赶恶魔。I tried to propitiate gods and to dispel demons.

这些古老的仪式让水中的神灵平息了怒气。These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.

你的很多世都设法通过苦行来劝解我。For many births you tried to propitiate Me through austerities.

我想抚慰他时尤其感到这点,我的同情得不到呼应。Especially i felt this when i made any attempt to propitiate him.

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国王所扮演的角色是抚慰这些神,在他们中间保持和谐。The king's role is to propitiate these gods and maintain harmony among them.

在此班中度日如年,几欲转学而不得,只得整日学习,以慰无聊。In this class, and not to transfer, had to study all day, to propitiate the boring.

人们相信,以鼓励生育,显示虔诚,和赎罪的神。It was believed to encourage fertility, demonstrate piety, and propitiate the gods.

我已经告诉过您,她曾怎样去向维尔福先生求情,怎样想尽心照顾唐太斯的父亲。I have told you of heR attempts to propitiate M. de Villefort, heR devotion to the elder Dants.

节日和其他宗教场合期间,这些舞蹈就在庙宇内举行,用来劝解神。During festivals and other religious occasions, these dances were performed in the temple premises to propitiate the deity.

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武鸿三让红姨去劝解青霞,面对孩子们的事情,他也不知道该怎么办,直到红姨说起子良回来了才开心了一点。Wu Hongsan let red aunt to propitiate Qingxia, facing their things, he didn't know what to do, until the red aunt said driver came back to a good happy point.

毗瑟奴派经文建议去劝解罗陀,为了认识克里希纳而获得她的优雅,因此受折磨的奉献者转向对她祷告。The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her.