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你看上去在沉思。You look pensive.

茫茫然陷入沉思状态。In vacant or in pensive mood.

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我沉思的朋友,为何,为何抱怨。WHY, repine, my pensive friend.

又是一阵沉默。Another moment of pensive silence.

我的身躯,打碎这沉思模样!Break, my body, this pensive form!

每当我躺在床上不眠,或心神空茫,或默默沉思。I lIe In vacant or In pensIve mood.

我沉思的朋友,为何,为何抱怨。WHY, why repine, my pensive friend.

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然后把箱子锁起来。然后若有所思。And then the box locked up. Then pensive.

如不美观我今天有点郁郁寡欢,请原谅我。Please excuse me if I'm a little pensive today.

一个沉思的埃及人坐在埃及祖马寺庙的前面。A pensive Egyptian sits in front of the Luxor Temple.

为什么你还在那里吟唱青春的哀歌?Why you are still singing a pensive lay there for youth?

每当我躺在床上不眠,或心神空茫,或默默沉思。For oft, when on my couch I lIe In vacant or In pensIve mood.

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这时,老苦役犯的脸上显出了一种不胜感慨的笑容,宛如天使的庄严妙相。Then the ex-convict smiled with the pensive smile of the angels.

过去,我总是更喜欢一个十分沉思的自我形象。I've always preferred a rather wistful , pensive image of myself.

有人认为达芬奇所画的蒙娜丽莎脸上露出的是忧郁的微笑。Some people believe that Da Cinci's Mona Lisa has a pensive smile.

粉灰色的天空的阴影在忧郁的树后色彩时而加深时而变淡......grey-pink shades of sky deepened and paled behind the pensive trees...

当被问到在演艺圈10年教会了她什么,孙沉思了一会。Sun turned pensive when quizzed on what her 10 years in showbiz have taught her.

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她试了几个音,然后漫弹出一支贝多芬的沉思奏鸣曲。She struck a few chords , and then wandered into a pensive sonata of Beethoven's.

“无题诗”的“沉博绝丽”风格在李商隐诗作中具有一定的代表性。The pensive beautiful style of the titleless poem is typical of the poems by Li Shangyin.

当她站在墓前静思时,共和党人则远远地举行示威并放飞了数十个黑气球。As she stood in pensive silence, in the distance, republican demonstrators released dozens of black balloons.