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扔掉电磁铁。Discard the electromagnet.

在家做一块电磁铁是既简单又有趣的。Making an electromagnet at home is fun and easy.

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今天我们做的这个是可以关闭磁性的,因而它被称作电磁铁。This one can be and is therefor called an electromagnet.

小心取出小齿轮和电磁体。Carefully lift out the little gear and the electromagnet.

本课题所设计的机器人电磁脚实际上是一个小型吸盘形直流电磁铁。In this paper, the robot's foot is a DC electromagnet in fact.

检查各换向阀电磁铁动作是否灵活。Check to know the electromagnet reaction of the reversing valve.

你可以焊接到电磁体上或者只是焊到原有的两根导线上。You can do this to either the electromagnet or just to the 2 wires.

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分闸操作有分闸电磁铁,过电流脱扣电磁铁及手动按钮操作三种。Close-brake have two kinds of close brake electromagnet and manual button.

新型盆口式电磁铁在我国逐步推广,其特点就是吸力较大。The new cup type electromagnet is gradually gaining popularity in our country.

电磁铁是一种由充电的磁铁产生磁力的装置。An electromagnet is a device whose magnetism is produced by an electric magnet.

这样通过控制电磁铁的电流就控制了机械运动。This current by controlling the electromagnet to control the mechanical movement.

此外,它还描述了鼓膜的振动,电磁波的传播等物理过程。Moreover. it also describes vibration of drumhead and spread of electromagnet wave.

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还可以用一个电磁铁与4200-SCS配合来确定霍尔系数。An electromagnet can be used with the Model 4200-SCS for determining Hall coefficient.

转动轴的一端通过拉杆和重锤杆与电磁铁相连。One end of the rotation axle is connected with an electromagnet by a pull rod and a weight rod.

并通过试验验证非对称电磁体在磨损方面的优点。The excellence of the non-axial symmetry electromagnet body is validated by even experimentation.

它的底部有一个电磁体,可以调整重心从而保持手机直立。It has an electromagnet at the base which allow to shift the weight and keep it in an upright position.

被吸附物体表面应尽可能平整,且吸附面积不宜小于电磁铁吸合面。Adsorb surfaces should as far as possible level, and adsorption suction and not less electromagnet of face.

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螺管式电磁铁是电磁铁中应用最广、产量最大的一种。Plunger Electromagnet is a kind of Electromagnet which is used the most extensive and yielded the greatest.

丢掉电磁体。如果你不需要指针,你可以将电线剪断或脱焊。Discard the electromagnet. If you don't need the hands. you can do this by clipping or unsoldering its wires.

以光纤光栅为传感器件,提出了一种基于电磁铁的电流传感方案。Propose a current sensing method based on FBG and electromagnet and designed relevant mechanism and circuits.