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尽管把科学和政治糅合在一起有点复杂,但是为了一个有效能的政体,这样做是必要的。Mixing science and politics is tricky but necessary for a functioning polity

一个之间的校风和系统的基本冲突削弱了印度的政体。A basic conflict between the ethos and system has weakened the Indian polity.

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每一个我们所知的政体,都是根据,统治者与被统治者的区分而定。Every polity of which we know is based upon a distinction between the rulers and the ruled.

无由且住。绵绵恨似春蚕绪。见来时饷还须去。Mind and live. Continuous hate the spring silkworm polity. Come see rates still must go to.

在复杂的欧洲各国体系中,我们保持独立。Of the complicated European systems of national polity we have heretofore been independent.

春秋时代是中国历史上家国由合一走向分离的大转折时期,晋国的卿族政治是这一时期典型的社会现象。The bureaucratic polity of Jin Kingdom is one of the classic social phenomena of this time.

党的先进性建设是马克思主义政党自身建设的根本任务。The party's advanced nature construction is the basic task of Marxian polity to be in self-build.

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政治,在美国平民中是个好话题么?在中国,特别是男性之间谈话经常会或多或少的涉及到政治话题。Is polity a good point in american's conversation? In china it is concerned more or less special in men's talk.

政体对亚里士多德而言,即是代表,寡头与民主原则混合的政权。The polity is the regime that represents for Aristotle a mixture of the principles of oligarchy and democracy.

解决社会不公问题的关键是深化各项改革,尤其是政治体制改革。The crux to resolve the social unjustness is to deepen every reformation, especially the polity system innovation.

决定政体内,所有其它研究的,高度与地位。It is rather what he calls the master science that determines the rank and place of all the others within the polity.

在宋仁宗的支持下,他与范仲淹等主持了以整顿吏治为中心的政治改革即庆历新政。Supported by Song Renzong, Fu Bi and Fan Zhongyan initiated and presided over Qinli Xinzheng, a reformation of polity.

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校务公开是高校内部管理体制改革的一个重要内容,是推行民主政治的基础。Campus-affair publicity is an attempt of university political system reform and a base to generalize democratic polity.

他认为,随着时间的推移,中国的威权政治体制将会变得越来越反应时代要求,越来越重视社会需要。He argues that China’s authoritarian polity has become more responsive over time, and more attentive to the needs of society.

两者保持着其资本主义的生产制度和生活方式不变,享有广泛的经济政治自治。Both of them maintain their capitalistic mode of production and life style, enjoying extensive autonomy on polity and economy.

“政治意识形态化”逐渐剥夺文学自身追求的独立价值,沦为政治的附庸。" Ideological politicalization" gradually robs literature of the self-helping value and literature becomes appendage of polity.

古代政治制度在实践上并没有立宪国民代议制,而且可以料想,他们也不曾在悲剧方面“预料”到这种制度。No ancient polity ever embodied constitutional democracy, and one dares to hope that ancient tragedy did not even foreshadow it.

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战争迅速结束,战后政治进程也与人们料想到的能在政体紊乱的阿富汗所进行的一样顺利。The fighting ended swiftly and the political aftermath went as well as could be expected in a polity as tangled as Afghanistan's.

战争迅速结束,战后政治进程也与人们料想到的能在政体紊乱的阿富汗所进行的一样顺利。The fighting ended swiftly and the political aftermath went as well as could be expected in a polity as tangled as Afghanistan's.

这种政权的必备特色,事实上,他称之为,即希腊文中的政体的原字。The essential feature of this regime the polity Politea which in fact he gives the name politea the generic Greek word for regime.