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带着绝望的心,她上吊自尽了。Taking acedia heart, commit suicide of her hang oneself.

但是如果你能了解其中的道理,你就能远离“怠惰”对你的侵害。But if you know the truth , you are protected from Acedia.

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我确信在座列位必定见过一两个这样陷入“怠惰”的人,他们是一些扫兴的家伙。I am sure that all of you know some people who have yielded to Acedia.

我确信在座各位一定见过一两个这样陷入“怠惰”的人,他们是一些扫兴的家伙。I am sure that all of you know some people who have yielded to Acedia.

人生一定是既有欢乐也有痛苦的,虽然“怠惰”可能会让人能够对痛苦麻木一些,但你还是不能完全逃脱痛苦。You will not be able to escape the pain completely , though acedia will dull it a little.

在这个问题上,你必须保持诚实,因为自欺也通向“怠惰”最常见的道路。You must be honest with yourself, because self -deception is one of the commonest roads to Acedia.

在这个题目上,你务必保留诚笃,由于自欺也通向“怠惰”最多见的门路。You must be honest with yourself , because self -deception is one of the commonest roads to Acedia.

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犯下这种“怠惰”的罪行和生理上的怠惰没有太多的关系,你甚至可能像一只蜜蜂那样忙碌,日程表排的满满的,在会议和派对之中周旋不停。To be guilty of Acedia it is not necessary to be physically sluggish at all. You can be as busy as a bee.

我确信在座各位一定见过一两个这样陷入“怠惰”的人,他们是一些扫兴的家伙。I am sure that all of you know some people who have yielded to Acedia. They are the dampers , the wet blankets of life.

为了弟弟,夏沫选择了欧辰,却导致婚礼当天绝望的洛熙自杀。For the little brother, xia Mei chose Ou Chen, bring about the Luo Xi with acedia that day wedding to commit suicide however.

而在我们不断猜测之后即将绝望的时候,碧瑶竟忽然出现于奇幻世界当中!And after we guess ceaselessly be about to acedia when, green jade preciouses jade to appear suddenly at strange unreal world unexpectedly in the center!

人生一定是既有欢乐也有痛苦的,虽然“怠惰”可能会让人能够对痛苦麻木一些,但你还是不能完全逃脱痛苦。You will not be able to escape the pain completely, though acedia will dull it a little. But unfortunately it lies in your power to reject the joy utterly.

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最让陆广发感到绝望的是,身边的人早就成了定时炸弹,随时会让自己多年的心血毁于一旦。Most those who let Liu Anfa feel acedia is, the person beside became time bomb early, the painstaking effort that can make oneself old at any time is destroyed at once.