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尾骨血液供应较差,营养动脉主要由腹侧面进入。It enters the coccyx mainly through the ventral surface.

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腹神经线外被以腹膜。The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum.

它的吸嘴位于末端,而不在腹部。Its sucking mouth was in a terminal rather than a ventral position.

两个小伸缩泡,远远分离,位于口前庭腹面。Two contractile vacuoles situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.

在想到我们的配偶时,我们的腹侧苍白球区都有明显的活动。We both show activity in the ventral pallidum when regarding our mates.

两个小伸缩泡位于口前庭的腹缘。Two small contractile vacuoles located near ventral wall of infundibulum.

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腹部背面及腹面的刚毛均比模式种的长而多。The setae on abdomen, both dorsal and ventral are longer and more in number.

注射部位在动眼神经核的背侧,没有影响动眼神经核的腹侧。Injection on the dorsal parts of OMN did not affect the ventral parts of OMN.

大多数脊索动物循环具有高压的、封闭的循环系统,心脏位于腹面。Most chordates have a high-pressure, closed circulation with a ventral heart.

由脐到耻骨之腹中线作腹部切开。A caudal ventral midline coeliotomy from umbilicus to pubis should be performed.

如果你在烟民面前展现一只烟,他的腹侧纹状体就会被激活。If you show a smoker a cigarette for example, the ventral striatum is activated".

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腹面有长丝状的蜡质缠绕,紧贴腹面体壁的还有一层小蜡圈。Furthermore, the ventral surface cling a thin layer of small curled wax filaments.

纤维鞘的背侧纵柱和腹侧纵柱分别向内伸出一个嵴。The ridges of the dorsal and ventral longitudinal columns extend inward respectively.

在E8期,表达主要集中在前角运动神经元,其它部位则信号明显较弱。On E8, the expression was mainly in the ventral horn, especially in the motor neurons.

这个活动变得更和谐的遍布整个腹侧纹状体。The activity also became much more coordinated throughout the entire ventral striatum.

本文描述了经猫脑腹面记录下丘脑单位活动的方法。A method of ventral approach to hypothalamus for recording unit activity was described.

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它还腹侧敞车下鼻子,从其中一名炮手可大火在后面。It also had the ventral gondola under the nose, from which a gunner could fire rearwards.

方法采用新鲜牛脊髓前角匀浆免疫豚鼠。Methods Guinea pigs were immunized with fresh bovine spinal cord ventral horn homogenate.

腹侧被盖区是嗅球传入纤维的另一来源。The ventral tegmental area is another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb.