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安第斯山脉正在拔高。The Andes are actively growing.

融化的安地斯山冰川会造成威胁吗?Will Melted Andes Glaciers Make a Threat?

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产于北极区和高山地带的一个常绿灌木小属。The bleak, treeless regions of the high Andes.

哥伦比亚咖啡生产于安地斯山脉的悬崖上。Colombia coffee was grown high at Andes Mountain.

安地斯贸易优惠法已于去年十二月届满。The Andes Favored Trade Act expired last December.

安地斯包括一些世界上最高的山峰。The Andes include some of the world's highest peaks.

大农场是爬安第斯山的背包旅行的基地。The ranch is a base for pack trips high into the Andes.

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如今,气候变化成为安第斯山脉人类安全的主要威胁。It is now the main threat to human security in the Andes.

黎明吵醒了南美威严的安第斯山脉。Morning breaking over the majestic Andes in South America.

美洲狮的主要猎物是guanaco,一种生长在安第斯山的骆马。The puma's main prey is the guanaco, the camel of the Andes.

安地斯山是世界上最长的山脉上的系统。The Andes are the longest system of high mountain ranges on earth.

他乘着木筏沿安第斯山脉顺亚马逊河而下一直到达它的河口。Condamine rafted the Amazon river from the Andes mountains to its mouth.

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热带安第斯山脉西坡强下降流期。Episodes of Strong Flow down the Western Slope of the Subtropical Andes.

布卡拉曼加哥伦比亚中部偏北,科迪勒拉山系的安第斯山脉东部的一城市。A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes.

安第斯山脉的结构特点是陡峭的悬崖和苍翠繁茂的山谷。The dramatic setting in the Andes features sheer cliffs and lush valleys.

这头雌狮学会了在安第斯山生存的重要一课。This female has learned an important lesson about surviving in the Andes.

安德斯和柯林格将手机设置成能发送多条短信的模式。Andes and Klinger were able to set up their phones to send multiple messages.

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几乎整个长度,沿着安地斯山脉崛起从太平洋海岸。Along almost its entire length, the Andes rise abruptly from the Pacific coast.

他乘坐以“高台跳水”而闻名,却很少准点的巴士游览安第斯山脉。He travels the Andes in buses more famous for cliff dives than on-time arrivals.

安第斯山脉中这片直上云霄的高原如同尘世之外的仙境。In Andes mountain, this touching sky plateau like a fairyland beyond the noisy world.