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请在巫师王座面前,宣誓你的忠诚。Swear your fealty to the Wizard's Throne.

已经发誓忠诚我必须在奴役过程中浪费我的生活吗?。Having sworn fealty , must I speed my life in servitude?

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还有多少西方的海岛,歌都已使它们向阿波罗臣服。Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.

情人节是用来表达浪漫爱情和对爱的忠诚的节日。Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty.

那些奴隶的可怜的状况让他放弃的对自己的社会的效忠。The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.

22年前,州议员宣誓不效忠于国王或王后,而要效忠于游乐园与旅游业。Twenty-two years ago, state lawmakers swore fealty not to king or queen but to amusement parks and tourism.

而如今社会上出现孝亲观念淡化现象,导致大学生孝亲道德出现滑坡。But the fealty weakness emergences in today's society and cause the fealty ethic decline of college student.

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这是极权主义哲学体系,他们认为所有政府的雇员一定要发誓孝忠于政府。It's a totalitarian philosophy which assumes that all employees of the state must swear fealty to the state.

在中国球迷中也存在着很大的分歧-其中一些相当有名的也期望中国的运动员向国家表示感激。There is a division of Chinese sports fans –- some quite powerful -- who also expect fealty from Chinese athletes.

当警察的行为有规可循、有节制并忠诚于法治时,会加深普通人民对政府的信任。When they act with predictability, restraint, and fealty to the rule of law, ordinary people gain faith in their government.

当然,他大方将利比亚石油开采收入投资到非洲各地是一个充满腐败的诱惑,意图得到非洲国家的支持。His generous investment of Libyan oil revenues around the continent, of course, was a more venal inducement to African fealty.

下面的纪录是在他宣誓效忠之前从一个贵族那里取得的。The following excerpt is taken from the last Annals of Ghereticus, a noble of some standing before he swore fealty to the Primarch.

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虽然帝国竭力控制巴库拉,但巴库拉的政府结构大致完好无损,不过它必须效忠帕尔帕廷。Though the Empire exerted control over Bakura, much of its government structure stayed intact, though it swore fealty to Palpatine.

孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各级各类的权威。Fealty is the foundatian of educatian of Confucianism ,which advocates to obey not only the parents but also all levels of anthorities.

DED是CONCORD的警察部队,至今为止它是整个EVE世界中装备最精良的部队,并且不效忠于任何一个王国。DED is the police force of CONCORD and is by far the strongest armed force in the world of EVE that doesn't pledge fealty to any one empire.

无论是一个17世纪的剑客服务于当地军阀,或是一个21世纪的涡轮工程师,日本养成了一种强烈的忠诚和责任意识。Whether a 17th-century swordsman in the service of a local warlord or a 21st-century turbine engineer, Japanese are brought up with a strong sense of fealty and duty.

加入基地组织意味着个人虔诚的宣誓拥护本•拉登,就像加入纳粹党要求宣誓个人忠诚于元首。Joining al-Qaeda meant taking a personal religious oath of allegiance to bin Laden, just as joining the Nazi Party had required swearing personal fealty to the Führer.

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加入基地组织意味着要虔诚地宣誓,对本•拉登个人的效忠,就像加入纳粹党要盟誓对元首个人的效忠。Joining al-Qaeda meant taking a personal religious oath of allegiance to bin Laden, just as joining the Nazi Party had required swearing personal fealty to the Führer.

周公东征之后,盟誓成为构建西周国家政权的重要组织形式,使诸侯与天子建立了宗法血缘关系之外依靠神灵监督效忠的政治从属关系。When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity which was supervised by gods every time.

你会用你的标准将我的答案分类吗,比如说词汇的复杂度、句法、英语俚语的运用,积极的态度、孝敬父母还有爱国?Does your rubric break my answer down into categories such as complexity of vocabulary, syntax, use of English idioms and set phrases, positive attitude, fealty to parents and love of nation?