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外婆边看边笑。Nanny watches, laughs.

大堰河,是我的保姆。Dayanhe, she was my nanny.

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我可以让太婆看我表演体操。I can show Nanny my gymnastics.

绑匪还杀死了保姆。The kidnappers killed the nanny.

我的大堰河般的保姆和她们的儿子。Like my nanny Dayanhe and her sons.

帕娅是一名服务于塞诺比亚皇家的乳母。Served as a nanny to the Zenobian family.

你竟然和保姆有一腿。拜托!You have a thing for a nanny? Oh, please!

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不过,她是在保姆的鼎力相助下才办到的。But she does it with a lot of help from a nanny.

动物传心术,灵气治疗及宠物褓姆。Animal communication, Reiki healing and pet nanny.

雇为他们的两个小孩当保母。She was taken on as a nanny to their two small children.

我有一个保姆用一整天的时间和我玩游戏。I had a nanny who spent all day playing turn-taking games with me.

我不相信乔治也是那样的人,”南妮说。I don't believe George is anything like that, anyhow, " said Nanny."

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木兰决定给吕母找个保姆,但看了几个都不满意。Mulan decided to find a nanny for lu mother, but a few dont satisfied.

岂料此举居然奏效,吸引一名从没当过保母的勇士上门。But it worked, attracting a brave soul who's never been a nanny before.

然而,不管她们是谁,令人安慰的一点是,如果一个保姆散布恐怖谎言,你可以起诉她,有点运气的话,你还会赢。If a nanny spreads false terribles you can sue and, with any luck, win.

返伊人香闺孙耀威见杨秀惠饮至半醉,出动保母车送伊人返香闺。Eric used his nanny van to send Yeung Sau Wai, who was half drunk, home.

艾琳·库尔特是教育学学士,在世界各地做了16年的教师和保姆。Erin Kurt, B.Ed, spent 16 years as a teacher and nanny around the world.

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诚聘一位有经验的住家褓姆来照顾我们一岁大的孩子。Looking for an experienced live-in nanny to look after our one-year-old.

在苏州一条粉墙黛瓦的老街上,住着一个出生名门的九旬老太和她六十多岁的保姆。On an old Suzhou street, lives an old lady in her nineties with her nanny.

出于对系统崩溃的忧惧,更多的苏格兰人也许不愿脱离联合王国的庇护。Frightened by signs of collapse, the Scots may well cling to nanny instead.