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他在淌汗。He was dripping sweat.

树木在滴着水。The trees were dripping.

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他因抱怨而感到内疚。He was guilty of dripping.

他的额头在滴汗。His forehead was dripping.

血从他手上滴下来。His hand was dripping blood.

她满脸汗水淋淋。She was dripping with sweat.

或那滴水洞穴中的宁静。Or peace in a dripping gotto.

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汗珠正从他的额头滴下来。Sweat was dripping off his brow.

水正从屋顶滴下来。Water is dripping from the roof.

汗水从她脖子上滴下来。Sweat was dripping from her neck.

汗水从他脸上滴下来。Sweat was dripping from his face.

烤面包正往下滴着黄油。The toast is dripping with butter.

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水滴穿石.Constant dripping wears away stone.

雨水从屋檐往下滴。The rain was dripping off the roof.

雨水沿着他的脖子往下滴。The rain was dripping down his neck.

水龙头正在滴水。The water was dripping from the tap.

水滴石穿,绳锯木短!Constant dripping wears away a stone !

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葡萄糖正一滴一滴地输入病人体内。Glucose was dripping into the patient.

她身上戴满了珍贵珠宝。She was dripping with expensive jewels.

此时他恰好听到了滴水的声音。He happened to hear some water dripping.