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所以,你应该学会保护自己的私人时间。So you should assertively protect your personal time.

表明你的理由,果断地提出请求。State your reasons clearly and assertively make your request.

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所有有着问题银行的大国对此都行动坚决。All big countries with troubled banks have acted assertively on this.

使用正确的肢体语言会帮助你更有主张力的交流。Using the right body language helps you communicate more assertively.

可以要求每周和老板见一次,提出一些问题以供学习。Assertively a weekly meeting with your boss and ask questions to learn.

在每天的生活中添加些快乐元素是一种养生之道。Assertively putting joy and happiness into each day is truly a lifesaving move.

可以要求次,提出一些问题以供学习。Assertively request a weekly meeting with your boss and ask questions to learn.

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你可以不表现出”好斗/挑衅'来果断地提出请求、给出消极的反馈。You can assertively make requests and deliver negative feedback, without being aggressive.

信息灵通的港府断然采取措施,没等他们登陆便悉数遣返。Well-informed Hong Kong authority took assertively measure by repatriated them on their landing in Hong Kong.

如果中国官员不采取更果断的行动来调整他们的模式,那么十年后他们将会有和当前相似的遗憾。If Chinese officials don’t act more assertively to tweak their model, they’ll have similar regrets a decade from now.

这个结合将给予职业方向一个巨大的能量集合,让你能够果断地前行。This combination will give an enormous amount of energy to professional interests and allow you to move ahead quite assertively.

真或假,起诉书的王宝由美国法院已胆子泰国和老挝官员对记者更果断的苗族难民遣返回国。True or false, the indictment of Vang Pao by a US court has emboldened Thai and Lao officials to press more assertively in repatriating Hmong refugees.

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此时,你没有自信有力地或是直接地表达你的愤怒,而是计划报复,因为你还没有学会如何有建设性地表达。You may also become passive-aggressive, where you don't express your anger assertively or directly but scheme to retaliate because you haven't learned how to express anger constructively.

坦率地、有主张地拒绝服从他们的需求会让他们蔫了,因为在自恋者们的扭曲的情感环境中,只要有两个人的场合便会有一个人必定要去主宰、另一个就一定要被主宰。Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.

但是如果你对他们的提问或谈话的内容感到不舒服,你可以礼貌但不要蛮横地指出你认为这个问题和自己的资历并无关联。But if you feel uncomfortable with the question and the context in which it was asked, you can politely but assertively state that you don't believe the question is relevant to your qualifications.