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沉浸在音乐的美妙里吧。Indulge in the joys of music.

喜欢被宠幸,容易沉迷甜言蜜语。Easy to indulge in sweet talk.

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偶尔我也放纵一会。Every once in a while I indulge.

就在本周,人们都沉湎于一个幻想之中。JUST for this week, indulge in a fantasy.

我们大家都无意识地沉耽于角色扮演之中。We all indulge in unconscious role-playing.

饭后一枝雪茄是我唯一的嗜好。A cigar after dinner is my only indulge nce.

如果没有,那这就是你添购行头的最好时机啦!If you don't, this is your chance to indulge.

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我们切不要在绝望的深渊里自甘沉沦。Never should we indulge ourselves in despair.

放松一下,在瓜达拉哈拉的放纵。Relax and indulge at Quinta Real Guadalajara.

孩子们贪吃-糖果和冰淇淋。Children like to indulge in candy and ice-cream.

他不能逼迫你沉迷在于性受虐中。He cannot force you to indulge in sadomasochism.

我望着天空,沉醉于这迷幻的世界中。I looked at the sky, indulge in the magic world.

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是我太放纵自己,才有了错误的情绪。I am too indulge themselves, only the wrong mood.

穷人和有钱人都有沉迷的特殊理由。Both rich and poor have special reason to indulge.

汤姆喜欢沉湎于幻想其未来。Tom loved to indulge in reveries about his future.

找到你们共同的爱好并一起乐在其中。Find an interest you share and indulge it together.

快点尝试下“放纵”在这有带罪的免费小吃里吧!So go ahead and "indulge" in this guilt-free snack!

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有些印度人沈迷于婚礼的大肆铺张。Some indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza.

我们偶尔会沉溺于那些纯粹的奢侈品。Once in a while, we tend to indulge in sheer luxury.

你不必花大把钱就可以好好犒劳一下自己。You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune.