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我可以传真这份文件吗?Can I fax this paper?

你可以发传真给我么?Can you fax it to me?

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我想发一份传真电报去美国。I want to send a fax.

你可以发传真给我吗?Can you fax it to me ?

话音信箱和传真机。And voice-mail and fax.

这份传真是今天发过来的。This fax came in today.

你的传真号码是多少?What is you fax number?

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请问在哪里发传真?Where can I send a fax?

这个传真机真慢。This fax is really slow.

我们的传真号码为63590158.Our fax number is 63590158.

请给我们传真报盘。Please make us a fax offer.

将信息发送到用户。Fax the information to users.

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请给中国发个传真。Please send the fax to China.

这传真机效果如何?How does this fax machine work?

请提供传真号码。Please provide your fax number.

你的传真少了几页。Your fax lack of several pages.

但是,我们也通过电子邮件和传真来联系业务。But wee-mail and fax a lot, too.

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你能不能现在就传真一份给我?Could you also fax it to me now?

好的。你有没有我们的传真号码呢?Okay. Do you have our fax number?

我怎么才能找到马丁的传真号?How do I find Martin's fax mumber?