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随访3个月以上,吞咽困难均缓解良好。Dysphagia did not recur after 3 months followup.

结果吞咽困难缓解,肿瘤得到控制。Results Dysphagia was relieved and tumor was controlled.

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增大的淋巴结可能会挤压食管引起吞咽困难。Enlarging nodes may compress the esophagus causing dysphagia.

未发现任何开放性鼻音、吞咽困难和发音困难。We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.

针刺对吞咽困难的疗效优于构音障碍。The curative effects of acupuncture for dysphagia is better than anarthria.

有时病人可能会出现咽喉痛、吞咽困难和喘鸣。Sometimes patients might experience also a sore throat, dysphagia or stridor.

食管支架置入术是解决患者吞咽困难的一种有效方法。The stent placement in esophagus is an effective method to resolve dysphagia.

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支架置放期间所有患儿能进食固体食物,无吞咽困难。After the stent placement, all patients could take solid food without dysphagia.

病程较长,咽下困难发展至一定程度即不再加重。Longer course, dysphagia developed to a certain extent that is no longer aggravated.

主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind sternum.

食管收缩量与术后吞咽困难间并无关联。No correlation between the amount of retraction and postoperative dysphagia was observed.

主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind the sternum.

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总结了112例脑卒中患者吞咽障碍的康复护理体会。To summarize the effects of rehabilitation nursing for 112 stroke patients with dysphagia.

这种“环形或吊索样结构”会导致儿童吞咽困难和喘鸣。This is one of the "rings and slings" that will cause dysphagia and stridor in the young child.

三种治疗方案对脑卒中后假性球麻痹吞咽障碍都有显著疗效。Three kinds of treatment in dysphagia caused by pseudobulbar palsy after stroke all had effect.

术前骨赘的高度不能猜测术后发生吞咽困难。Preoperative osteophyte height did not predict which patients developed postoperative dysphagia.

结论吞咽功能训练对改善脑卒中患者吞咽障碍有明显效果。Conclusion Rehabilitation training has significant effect on post-stroke patients with dysphagia.

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结论对急性脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者进行早期康复训练具有明显效果。Conclusion Early rehabilitative training is effective on dysphagia for patients with acute stroke.

目的观察吞咽治疗仪治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的临床效果。Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of treating post-stroke dysphagia by Vocastim-Master.

吞咽困难是脑卒中后常见并发症,对脑卒中的治疗和预后造成很大影响。Dysphagia is a common complication of stroke having large effect on treatment and prognosis of stroke.