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十五日在家里是在世界上的零售?Is Quinze at home in the world of retail?

总之,阿纳·奎兹试图激发人与人之间的沟通和互动。But above all, Arne Quinze tries to evoke communication and human interaction.

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阿纳·奎兹1971年生于比利时,他目前在比利时的圣马尔滕斯拉特姆生活工作。Arne Quinze was born in 1971 in Belgium and lives and works in Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium.

奎兹创作大小型的雕塑、绘图、绘画和大型作品。Quinze creates large and small sculptures, drawings, paintings, and large-scale installations.

阿恩十五日创建了一个时尚的购物天堂除以200平方米的精品费雷尔在尼乌波特坏,比利时。Arne Quinze created a stylish haven for shoppers by dividing the 200-m2 Ferrer boutique in Nieuwpoort-Bad, Belgium.

空间是由其十五日和米兰与变化的阿恩十五日自己的椅子设计,室26座。The space was furnished by Quinze and Milan with variations of Studio Arne Quinze 's own chair design, Room 26 Seat.

子爵,请把这件事讲给我们听吧安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,高兴地感到像路易十五的腔调。Tell us about that, vicomte, said Anna Pavlovna gleefully, feeling that the phrase had a peculiarly Louis Quinze note about it.

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阿恩十五日是首个艺术家展出他的作品在艺术热点位于城市的中心,根据所采取的步骤圆顶。Arne Quinze is the first artist to exhibit his work in the art hotspot located in the heart of the city, under the steps of the Dome.

奎兹热衷于收集二手材料,他将这些材料循环利用,以他自己独有的艺术视角,赋予它们新的生命。Quinze is an obsessive collector of used materials, which he recycles to give their lines new life in the manifestation of his vision.

“啊,是真的呀!子爵,请把这件事讲给我们听吧”安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,高兴地感到像路易十五的腔调。"Ah, come! Tell us about that, vicomte, " said Anna Pavlovna gleefully, feeling that the phrase had a peculiarly Louis Quinze note about it.

阿纳·奎兹被社会与自然中远远超越人类所能领悟的节奏和活力深深吸引着。Arne Quinze is fascinated by rhythms and the dynamic energy he comes across in society and nature's complexity surpassing all human understanding.

奎兹致力于汇聚人群并将人群推向一种积极对话的状态,在他的作品中,呈现出一派社区活动繁荣的情景,而社会凝聚力是作品的准则。Quinze aims to bring people together and push them into a vigorous dialogue. In his work, communal activities flourish and social cohesion is the norm.

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阿纳·奎兹的这些装置作品采用了金属、水泥、荧光漆和木材。作品中使用的所有材料均为环保材料。Arne Quinze uses metal, concrete, fluorescent paint, and wood for these installations. All materials used in the structure are environmentally friendly materials.

突出了支离破碎的十五日内植入了这个200平方米的空间有几个'群岛'部分免受窥探的晶体拉丹条纹窗帘。Highlighting the fragmented interior that Quinze tucked into this 200-m2 space are several 'islands' partially shielded from prying eyes by crystal-laden fringe curtains.

运行她的手指沿着墙壁和整个造型线的光泽珍珠母柜台,访问者感到轮廓序承担无误十五日签字。Running her fingers along the walls and across the sculpted lines of the gleaming mother-of-pearl counter, the visitor feels a contoured motif bearing the unmistakable Quinze signature.